Chapter 16 • Dumb and Dumber

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Credit to Hisasihun on twitter~ follow her she has amazing edits!


I finished the goddamn stupid test so now I'm back to being a no-life woman again! YAY! 

Thanks for being patient for me! sorry for making ya all wait! ♥

And damn, this story got 35k reads?! thank you all!!!! I mean like WHATTHEFUCK! each chapter got 1k+ reads! dammit I'm so happy!! thank you all!



In the mansion- The counts had a meeting. If you remember there was an explanation about a small unit of wizards that helps them to get information from the outside. Also, all the counts agreed to start to build a plan against the demons.

Taehyung and Jeongguk- Taehyung had another nightmare when they slept together on the tree. Jeongguk woke him up and the two suddenly heard waterfalls. They took their clothes off and jumped into the cold water. They played a little and slowly it lead to a kissing scene and a hot sex.

Taehyung bit him for the second time, which means if he bites him once again it will be a full bond. (just a reminder- Jeongguk can bite him as much as he wants, it won't make the bond full. Jeongguk already bit him three times (or more) what's left is Taehyung, the Thrall, needs to bite Jeongguk three times which will make it a full bound. The last chapter was the second bite)

After the sex, the two started to kiss and hugged each other in the water. They had a small sweet talk and soft kisses till a voice startled the shit out of them.


words: 4042


Chapter 16 • Dumb and Dumber

"Jeongguk? Taehyung?" a soft voice was heard made the two startle by recognizing it. Their eyes widened and their kiss broke. The two looked at the person seeing Park Jimin with a frowned face. Next to him was Yoongi with an annoyed face and Hoseok cocked a brow. 

* 20 minutes ago *

The three walked between the trees for 40 minutes already, they were close to the opened field.

 "Guys I swear I can't trust butterflies anymore!" Hoseok talked next to the two vampires, "we can't be silent about it!" Hoseok continued to rant while Yoongi was deep in thoughts and Jimin looked around boredly.

The loud vampire sighed, noticed them busy with themselves. He then suddenly stopped, noticed that they were at the end of the forest, "oh god guys! look!!! an opened beautiful field!!!" he smiled widely and started to run all around the field like a little kid, made shouts and happy screams of excitement.

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