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Tagged by airheadlikesbts , thank you!!! ❤️❤️

Tagged by airheadlikesbts , thank you!!! ❤️❤️

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1. Nickname- Roro or Ro

2. Favorite youtubers- don't really have fav lol, I watched Nino's Home cuz I like cooking some time to time c: 

3. lock screen background- me and my bestie, I'm the left one (it's a bad picture she made me put it xD)

 lock screen background- me and my bestie, I'm the left one (it's a bad picture she made me put it xD)

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4. Home screed background- my close friends, I'm the left one with sunglasses xd 

Yes we all uglies xDD

Yes we all uglies xDD

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5. Siblings?- one older brother ^-^

6. Top three kpop groups- BTS
                                                 All other kpop bands xDD I got only top two lol

7. Single?- like a lonely potato

8. Crush?- sigh

9. believe in true love?- I think so... never put a thought into it.

10. favourite color- uhm... purple like eggplant

 purple like eggplant

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11. Job/ dream job?- Movie Director is my dream job, currently working at the airport :s

12. phone battery percentage?- 69- kidding 79% lol

13. First language?- Hebrew

14. have tiptok- uhm nty lol

15. tag 15 people-


Sorry for not tagging someone... If someone wants to answer too please feel free to answer in the comments, it also helps to know my readers more🤗

Gonna update a chapter shortly 💜

Gonna update a chapter shortly 💜

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