Chapter 35 • Dim Feelings

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New edit by me! :D

The best smut scene I've ever written was in the last chapter, and it was just a dream... after finishing writing this scene, after putting so much thought and effort into it, I realized I was writing a dream, and I was like "Wtf Roro it's just a dream... what a baka..." 


The chapter started with a good sex scene but it was just a dream 🤡

Taehyung woke up in the elves' village and went out of the room, he noticed Hoseok and some friends and asked them where the other bangtan's members are. After long bubblings finally Hoseok told him that Namjoon and Jeongguk were talking in a random room.

Taehyung went there to overhear but then got caught by Namjoon. The count took it as an opportunity to talk with both of them. Namjoon explained to them more about the rules. And let them permission to bond again if they want. Jeongguk said that he won't bond with anyone cuz he doesn't want to silent his demon-side.

Then Namjoon left them alone. The two had their own talk, and Jeongguk told him that he's leaving cuz he's going to join his father to destroy him from the inside. Taehyung tried to convince him not to leave, and Jeongguk understood that his demon-side is now soft to him (uwu)


‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ HUGE TRIGGERING WARNING ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

From this chapter and on, side characters will be killed... not bts members but yes other groups...

I'm a multi so believe me each group I write here I like them and I listen to their music. Sorry if it triggers some of you...

I didn't plan this plot to be this deep at the start but while writing the chapters I got to the conclusion that I want this story to be dark.

If this chapter is too much for you to handle then please stop reading, I don't want to trigger my readers...

I'll add this warning to the 'warnings page' so new readers will know before start reading.

With each chapter I guess I'll find more warnings to share lol... 

So main warning: THIS STORY WILL BE DARK

‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ HUGE TRIGGERING WARNING ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

words: 3610


Chapter 35 • Dim Feelings

Jimin entered the room and closed it behind him silently, tried not to make a sound. He rose his head up from the ground and noticed Yoongi was in the middle of wearing his shirt. He just inserted his right hand into the short sleeve and his other hand grabbed the lower part of the fabric to push it down.

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