Chapter 34 • Confession

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Credit for the edit to Hisasihun on Twitter! ^

My schedule became so full, I work a lot and I got too many project to do and it doesn't end... I guess I'll update slower from now than before... of course I'll do my very best for my readers and try to update fast.

Sorry for the waits...


Five months ago: nothing special, just Jeongguk is a tool in Suho's plan to destroy Jeon Jun.

Present: Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin found the elves village. Saw them all disappeared except from one elf, her name is Nayeon.

Yoongi and Jimin found a moment together to have some sexeu c:

Hoseok caught them (ofc lol), and asked for one of them to have some fun with him too. Jimin volunteered and Yoongi got annoyed, left them alone. At the end, Jimin gave Hoseok a blowjob and that's it. Nayeon got friendly with Yoongi somehow, and he promised her to find her clan. Jimin tried to speak with Yoongi but the older didn't feel like it. Jimin and Hoseok went back to their brood, to let them know that they found the village.

The chapter ended with Jeongguk realizing that his demon-side gets softer to Taehyung somehow, but he still can't agree to lose his demon power. 

And also with them meeting the new broods!


words: 4016


Chapter 34 • Confession

Deep breaths echoed inside the room. His lips were apart and his eyes closed. He could feel the length sliding into him, his walls squeezing around it only to draw him in, but at the same time to press him out.

He licked his dry lips and slightly bit his bottom lip while opening his eyes. He looked at the person in front of him, saw his red shiny eyes looking back at him. 

He moaned out, while clenching his toes down. His nails dig into his slender back and scratched his smooth skin. Another moan went out to the air.

They both were sweaty already, but they didn't mind. He slid his hand over the other's slender back, felt his fingers wiping the wet sweat from his back. He reached his dark locks and held them. Their eyes didn't look away, they were completely lost in this pleasure.

"Jeongguk..." he whispered out while feeling each push into him second after second. 

"Taehyung..." the younger whispered back, their faces so close to each other that they could feel each other's hot breath brushing their skin.

Taehyung raised his head up a little only to lock his lips with him. Jeongguk took a deep breath through his nose while kissing him back. 

Taehyung's hand moved from the younger's hair locks to his cheek, held him while feeling the long peck on his lips. He still felt the pushes deep into him, hitting his prostate each time. His eyes were closed when he let another breath out, his lips broke the kiss and his bottom lip brushed into the other's nose. 

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