Chapter 1 • Half - Vampire

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Chapter 1 • Half - Vampire

My hands clenched the sheets strongly. His dick pushed into me roughly, I felt like my brain was going to explode. And it's all because of our stupid and careless mistake.

Because I WOULD NEVER feel ANYthing to that arrogant and idiot (also brainless) kiddo.

"I'm coming inside you Taehyung" he whispered into my ear-

Alright let's stop here and go back to the beginning, we will get to the 'coming' part later.

ANYWAY, it all started a month ago, when EVERYTHING was perfect, till that day.

My locker got closed strongly which made my body jump to the side and stare shockingly at the person.

"Dammit Jimin you scared the shit out of me" I glared at my best friend who sighed.

"I'm worried" he mumbled and I rolled my eyes, not again.

"Are you still on him?" I started to walk away when I knew that he'll follow me.

"What if something happened to him and Namjoon doesn't want to share it with us?!" he panicked hysterically, made me stop and turn to him.

"Wow wow chill man, he will handle it" I tried to relax him and continued to walk in the corridor.

"Tae, it's your turn today, just let me know if everything is ok" 

"Wait what?" I turned again and looked confused at him, "my turn today? for what?"

"You know... give him the food and blood bag"

"Oh right! fuck!" I suddenly remembered, dammit! I sighed and tried to focus for a moment on my deep thoughts.

"Anyway, come to my room after it ok? I wanna know everything!" he put his hand on my shoulder to support me and walked away.

But of course my brain won't let me down, "wait!" I stopped him when that idea came into my head. I slowly walked to him with a smirk, "you want to see him right?" 

"Uh... yeah of course" he looked at me confused.

"Well you can go and see him instead of me, Namjoon doesn't check who gives him the food right? So don't worry, just go on my shift" I winked at him, and slowly he smiled.

"Great! sounds great! thanks bro! you're the best!" he hugged me and ran away excitedly.

I nodded, of course I'm the best.

So let me be clear, We are Vampires that live in a Kindred world. There are different types of Kindreds, like, Wizards, Elves, Werewolves, and much more, but the worst that also our enemy are the Demons.

Sure we got more enemies, but the Demons are the reason we are hiding.

About the Kines (which are the humans) they are hiding somewhere, it gives us hard work to find them for food, but luckily we have a storage of human blood. 

We live in a huge mansion, not all the Vampires are here, but who searched for us will find us. We study, sleep, eat, doing everything here. There are 4 broods that live here, our brood was here before everyone, 150 years ago, but because of our war with the demons, some broods also joined us and we let them in of course. 

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