Chapter 29 • Demon's Death

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Present: They all continued to walk to the north to meet with the other broods. Taehyung and Jimin had a deep talk about why Jeongguk hates Taehyung. And Hoseok, who overheard them, came out with this remark that maybe Jeongguk's demon-side is scared of bonding with Taehyung and it will silent the demon like before.

They suddenly bumped into a pack. There was an argument. Two werewolves of this pack threatened Jimin and Yoongi before. Also one of them recognized Taehyung and Jeongguk who drank from the kid's blood. Eventually, Namjoon ordered his vampires to catch them.

Namjoon made their main Alpha to take them to their place so they can spend the night there hiding from Demons.

Six Months Ago: to remind you, Jeongguk got stuck in his demon true-form. Suho came out with a fifth lesson- face a vampire. The mission is finding a vampire and see if Jeongguk would be able to control himself not to kill them.


If you don't really remember then just read quickly the previous chapter c:

words: 4520


Chapter 29 • Demon's Death


"You're seriously going to leave us like this all night?!" Shownu glared at Namjoon who tied his hands behind his back to a table. 

"We don't have a choice and you know it, how can we trust you guys so easily?" Namjoon retorted while behind busy with the ropes behind him.

"We took you to our house!" Shownu looked behind his back with a glare, tried to release himself from the count. Namjoon sighed, was about to reply but another voice cut him.

"Seriously Shownu! we're fucking hostages in our fucking house! we shouldn't let them in!!!" Minhyuk yelled at him, changed his voice into a raspy one from over rage.

"Like we had another choice..." Changkyun mumbled next to him, they both were with their hands tied behind their back same as the other werewolves in the pack.

"It's just for the night for god sake!" Soobin rolled his eyes, looked at one of them while standing in the middle of the room, waiting for Namjoon to finish.

"Try to understand our side," Namjoon said with a silent voice, "I know it isn't comfortable for you guys, but we're scared, we're in a big war and I don't care about how uncomfortable you feel for one night, all I care about is that all the vampires and wizards here will pass this damn night peacefully" he glared into Shownu's eyes, showed him how serious and though he was.

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