Chapter 11 • Matriarch's care

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A group of elves considered 3 or more elves in one clan.

Matriarch/ Patriarch-

A leader in elves' clan. While Matriarch is a woman ruler and Patriarch is a male ruler. Most of them considered queens/kings.



A legion of demons took Jeongguk and helped him to save Taehyung. But before it, Jeongguk lied to them that Taehyung is a demon. So the legion got disappointed and just left them alone.

The legion named EXO and Suho is their leader.

Jeongguk actually liked them because they had different beliefs and they weren't against vampires like most legions.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin hid between some trees for the night. Hoseok went patroling and Jimin and Yoongi had a small talk about Jeongguk and Taehyung.

Hoseok found shrooms. c:

Jeongguk was chained and also Taehyung. They were away from each other and Jeongguk asked him to look at him till his wounds will heal.


words: 3646


Chapter 11 • Matriarch's care

Jeongguk started to feel at ease, his wounds recovered after 9 minutes because of the harsh beats.

He still looked at Taehyung who closed his eyes, he was tired and exhausted.

He started to move his body slowly, tried to see if he still feel some pain. Low groans left his mouth while he tried to move closer to his bond. Suddenly his eyes startled by a foot that appeared in front of him.

'Shit' he thought, he already could guess who it was. Must be one of the two werewolves that ran away. He tightened his teeth together, ready to fight -even though his hands are cuffed behind his back-.

He rose his head up with a glare and it quickly changed into a frown, "Baekhyun?" he mumbled out.

"I know, it's been only 10 minutes, but I can't leave you here" Baekhyun pouted, "I know Suho likes you very much, I'm sure he won't be mad at me"

Jeongguk was still shocked or surprised, or just both, he couldn't believe his eyes. Before he managed to speak he heard Taehyung's whines. His gaze quickly looked behind Baehyung's feet.

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