Chapter 24 • Two Opposite Sides

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Jeongguk came back to the mansion after 6 months. For now, you all know that Jeongguk was with Suho's legion all this time.

Jeongguk's personality changed, he became a little more aggressive. Especially to Taehyung. He also acts weird which makes the others worried.

Jeongguk and Taehyung met. Taehyung was so relieved to see him but Jeongguk acted rudely to him which made him mad and hurt. Jeongguk told him that his demon-side hates him.

Taehyung punched him and Jeongguk pushed him on the ground, choked him while threatening him to stay away from him.

The chapter ends with Jeongguk talking to himself, saying:

"Just stay away from me Taehyung... you're the only one who triggers me"


words: 4376


Chapter 24 • Two Opposite Sides

"Good night everyone!" Namjoon stood at the entrance, next to him were the four counts and in front of them were the whole vampires in the mansion, including the professors. 

Taehyung stood there, noticed Jeongguk standing not so far away, he looked at him with deep thoughts. 'he came back so suddenly... he changed so much... his strong aura... his hair... his... body...' he gulped while staring at the younger, 'who are you... what happened to you in this six months...'

Yugyeom showed next to Jeongguk, put an arm around his shoulder and mumble something to him, Namjoon talked loudly in the background so Taehyung couldn't hear what he said. Jeongguk scoffed, didn't reply and just continued to look at Namjoon. 

Yugyeom noticed Taehyung's eyes, he waved to him with a small smile. Taehyung startled and slowly waved back to him. Jeongguk cocked a brow, noticed his friend's gesture, he looked to who he was waving to and saw Taehyung's eyes on him. Yugyeom bowed a little with a smile and then looked back at the five counts. Taehyung bowed slightly too, and then looked again at half-demon's cold eyes. He showed no expression, he just stared at him deeply which felt uncomfortable to Taehyung.

He gulped and didn't move his eyes away. Jeongguk suddenly knitted his brows and looked back at Namjoon. Taehyung bit his lower lip, felt confused by his behavior. 'What's going on Jeongguk? you weren't like this... maybe... it's not Jeongguk?! maybe it's his demon and now he's going to kill us all?!' he started to panic inside his head.

Suddenly he felt a little bump on his elbow, he looked to his other side, noticed Jimin with a frowned face, "you're spacing out..." he whispered to him. Taehyung nodded to him, and then looked at Namjoon, 'stop thinking about this idiot, focus on your count!'

"... it's been six months since we decided it, and in these six months we made some researches, also we contacted other broods successfully, and we also got a group of wizards and some clans on our side" (A reminder: clans are groups of elves) 

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