Chapter 21 • Coming Back Home

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Hyuna and Seung finished their fight, Hyuna killed the shit out of him. Also she told about how she ended being the only witch alive, she killed them all 400 years ago :)

Jeongguk met his brother when he was on the mountain's summit. He couldn't move or talk, and suddenly his brother appeared in front of him, told him to stop playing around with vampires and remember that he's a demon.

Jeongguk asked Hyuna if it's possible for demons to reach the summit, but Hyuna told him that everything he saw out there or heard, it's all was his unconsciousness self.

Yoongi and Dawn took Jeongguk back to Hyuna, and she helped them to thaw him. Then Yoongi went to check up on Jimin and Taehyung, gave Jimin the last blood bag cuz of his injury. They all went to sleep finally. 

The next morning Hyuna asked them what they feel and apparently it worked, the blood bond broke. :c

They left Hyuna's and Dawn's place, she gave them a potion that will speed them up. They all reached the mansion and entered it seconds before the sun disappeared.

Finished with Jeongguk smiling and saying "I'm home"


words: 3799


Chapter 21 • Coming Back Home

• 07:48 PM

Namjoon stood in his office, his ass laid on his table. In front of him were Taehyung and Jeongguk with their faces down. Hoseok, Jimin and Yoongi stood behind them silently. Jin stood next to Namjoon, smiled at the two nervous vampires, he was just happy to see them all alive. 

Silent filled the whole room. Namjoon's eyes scanned the two youngest, he was annoyed, really really annoyed. He tried to keep his cool down, but damn his body filled with anger.

"Am I a bad Count?" he asked with a heavy voice, his eyes piercing them. 

Taehyung's eyes widened, he immediately raised his head up to look at the older, "n-no it's not like this!" he shouted out, he really didn't want his Count to think like that, Namjoon was an amazing Count. His eyes met Namjoon's eyes, made him startle and humble his head down.

"Then why? why the fuck did you ran out of the mansion without fucking telling me?!" 

Taehyung gulped, he was so scared to answer, but he had to tell him. Before he managed to say a word, he suddenly heard Jeongguk's voice.

"It's all my fault Namjoon" Jeongguk bowed down, his body showed a 90° angle.

"No! that's not true! it was my idea to go out!" Taehyung frowned at Jeongguk, "it's my fau-"

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHO FAULT WAS IT!!!" the Count yelled out, made everyone in the room look at him with a little fear, "TELL ME THE FUCKING REASON!"

Jeongguk straightened his back, he and Taehyung looked at Namjoon with their eyebrows up, frowned their forehead.

Jeongguk gulped, "I'll tell..." he mumbled and then started to tell the whole story from the very beginning, when he was in the basement, and Hoseok's joke, and his accidentally bond with Taehyung, then the library that they searched for answers, then Taehyung's idea and about them taking advantage of Ateez's arrival, and then the whole story outside the mansion. 

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