Chapter 4 • Blood Bond

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^ Edit by me, do not copy please, also it looks lame this time lol ^

• Previously •

The 4 counts talked together about a new brood that needs to come in 5 days, but they are worried that Jeongguk's condition would help demons to find them.

Remember that when the gates are opening then the spell is canceled.

Taehyung decided to help Jeongguk and gave him his body. The two had sex and bit each other.

The chapter finished that someone knocked on Taehyung's door in the next night.

• Previously •

words: 4965


Chapter 4 • Blood Bond

He reached the door and before his hand could touch the handle his heart started to thump strongly. He stunned at the handle, tried to understand those feelings.

He gulped and opened the door.

His eyes widened, seeing someone he didn't expect to see.

"Hey mate, Namjoon is calling for everyone to the living room" the guy said with a soft smile, looked into Taehyung's surprised eyes. It was Jin.

"W-why?" Taehyung asked him, "something happened?" somehow he was very worried.

"Nope, he just wants to announce something, why?"

"Nothing, ok, I'm coming in a minute" Taehyung sighed and closed the door.

He walked into his small bathroom and washed his face. He didn't understand why but he felt his heart beating fast. He decided to ignore it and walked down to the big living room.

He bit his mouth slightly while grabbing his chest, he felt the heart-thumping and his head hurting. He couldn't understand what got into him, but worry filled his body. He raised his head and before he could take a step into the living room he felt a hand on his shoulder. His body jumped and stunned at his friend.

"Sup" Hoseok smiled innocently.

"Fuck Hobi... why you always scare me?!" he glared at him, made the other chuckle.

"Recently you're just too sensitive, you little boogu boogu" Hoseok pinched the other's cheeks and talked to him like he was a baby.

"The fuck is boogu boogu?" Taehyung cocked a brow and Hoseok shrugged as a reply.

"Guys c'mon" Jin peeked his head from the living room and glared at them. The two listen to him and walked into the room.

Hoseok's smile widened till the corners reached his ears, he was damn happy from the occurrence in front of him. On the other hand, Taehyung was completely speechless.

Hoseok ran to the person that stood in the middle of the room and hugged him warmly, "YOU'RE BACK!" he shouted and jumped several times while still holding the person.

Everyone smiled in the room except Taehyung. He looked at them hugging and also Jimin was there grabbing his hand with a huge smile.

He felt his heart clenching which hurt him, he felt his vision blurring which worried him and felt his body trembling which annoyed him.

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