Chapter 22 • Uncontrollably Confused

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Edited by your bitch ^ enjoy the chapter fellas ❤️


So, Taehyung and Jeongguk broke their bond successfully. Those two with Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin got back to the mansion, finally.

All Bangtan brood were in Namjoon's office. It got tensed there, and Jeongguk and Taehyung told the full story, not the smut parts (some asked 😂😂, I mean... seriously?! "also he banged me on a wall when dead bodies of werewolves were around us-" ok I should stop, look what you're making me thinking!!!)

Uhm *clearing her throat* anygay, Namjoon was a little aggressive with them, but that was because he was DAMN worried about them this whole time, also he felt untrustworthy which made him hesitate himself as a good count.

Hoseok suggested to chill a little and party with some shrooms, he dragged Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi into this. The four vampires got hell high and started to imagine stupid things. Taehyung got trauma from the sun and this is all he could see. Well, Hyuna warned him about this. Jin saved him and took him to his room so he could sleep.

Jeongguk and Yugyeom played together, then Yugyeom started to talk about his attraction to Taehyung, and Jeongguk for some reason started to say shit things. Without noticing he broke the controller which startled the both of them and made Yugyeom leave the room. 

The chapter ended with Jin waking up Jeongguk, telling him that Namjoon wants to speak with him and Jimin about the blood bond.



When it's morning they're going to sleep, when it's evening they are waking up, yes we're back to this confusing shit :)

A long ass chapter for you guys 🤗

words: 5367


Chapter 22 • Uncontrollably Confused

Namjoon sat on his chair, his eyes looked into Jeongguk's and Jimin's eyes. They entered seconds ago. Jimin was half tired and half confused about his surrounding.

Minutes ago Jin entered Hoseok's room, saw them sleeping on the floor. He shouted angrily at them to wake them up, "YAH!!!". Their eyes slowly opened when a little pain in their head, "fucking idiots, wake up now so you can sleep well in the morning!!!" he glared at them and walked to the sleepy Jimin.

"C'mon Jimin, Namjoon wants to talk with you and Jeongguk" he grabbed his arm to pull him up to stand. Jimin's eyes slowly opened wider, he looked frowned at Jin who smiled at him. He immediately understood that it was about the Blood Bond.

Jin released the hold and walked to help Hoseok who mumbled cutely, "no~~~ Hobi wants to sleep~"

Jimin glanced at Yoongi who sat on the floor and ruffled his hair. Then the older looked up and met eyes with the younger. Words didn't came out from their mouths but their eyes said so much.

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