Chapter 50 • No Fear

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I'm HERE!!!!

The next chapter is the last one... maybe when I'll have more time I'll add a Bonus chapter or even continue it. c:


Suho and his Legion did their best to get Human blood for Jeongguk to stop the process. 

Solar and the fairies got mad about that and swore that their magic is all fine while Jeongguk probably drank human blood. Jeon Jun decided to believe Jeongguk for some reason and attacked Solar but Jeongguk stopped him.

Jun got angrier and before it got burst out, suddenly a new guest showed, which was Jeongguk's Grandma.

She took Jeongguk to the garden and told him some stories about Jun and his mother. Also she threatened him not to kill Jun or it will be the end of him.

The chapter ended with Namjoon's speech on the war's day!


words: 4781


Chapter 50 • No Fear

• 224 Years ago

"I still can't believe you have a baby from a fucking Vampire, that's disgusting" Jihun showed a bothered face. He sat in the dining room with his brother. His legs laid on the table when he got a glass with red wine between his fingers. 

"It happened accidentally" Jun rolled his eyes, his glass sat on the table when his eyes stared at the red liquid. 

"Ok... so fucking kill her" Jihun snickered, "why you decided to keep a vampire child?" 

"I told her if she survives then I'll raise this child" Jun replied simply, wasn't too bothered by his brother's words.

"It's been 5 months already, soon you'll have a child"

"That means... she's strong..." Jun didn't move his eyes away from the wine, "or just stubborn..." he sighed and finally grabbed the glass only to take a sip. "Which is good for my son"

"Brother, are you seriously going to raise a Vampire son?"

"Half-Vampire" Jun corrected him before he managed to continue.

"He's still a vampire, he'll have a heart- don't- don't tell me you suddenly have a heart to her" he humorlessly laughed out and noticed Jun's eyes roll. 

"It's impossible" Jun mumbled and took another sip. It was really impossible, demons can't have hearts no matter what.

"I don't understand you, brother... Vampires try to show how stronger they are against us, but we all know we're the strongest... don't let a Vampire into our family-" Jihun stood up and moved closer to Jun's ear, "we need to destroy them all" he said and walked away.

Jun stayed there silently while his eyes looked at the red liquid.

In the end, Jun let Minsu have the child which was Jeongguk. He raised him in the mansion, but Jihun didn't give up. Each day he confused him, told him how weak Jeongguk is, how he has no future between the demons. 

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