Chapter 12 • A thirsty day

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Credit to Hisasihun on twitter~ follow her she has amazing edits!


Baekhyung and Chanyeol released Jeongguk and Taehyung. And after they left the two had sex to fulfill their desires. The long time they were away from each other made their body desire even more for the other's pleasure.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin met a clan of elves, the matriarch is Jihyo. She asked for their help cuz one of her members in the clan is sick. Jimin was the only one who agreed, Hoseok didn't mind and Yoongi protested, but Jimin was stubborn enough to win against him. And the three followed her to her village.

Hoseok was the one who carried Sana, the sick elf, and they started to go north to where the main village is.


words: 3914


Chapter 12 • A thirsty day

Jeongguk and Taehyung walked out of the hideout. Their eyes got attacked by the sun, made their bodies startle and go back into the shadow. 

"Damn I hate the sun" Taehyung pouted and looked at the younger.

Jeongguk nodded, "we gotta go" he said and started to walk into the sun rays. Taehyung looked at the younger's slender back and walked after him.

After the rough and pleasant sex that they spontaneous had, they let their body relax of the orgasm and then decided to continue their day. They didn't have that much time to waste, they must find this witch and go back to the mansion before they will get into trouble with violent demons.

"Can't believe it you lost the bag..." Jeongguk muttered with a small angry voice.

"Oh sorry that I got kidnapped and couldn't really fight!" Taehyung answered firmly and glared at the other.

"I'm just being depressed I don't blame you" Jeongguk looked back at him and Taehyung just pouted, he actually was ready to fight.

The two walked between the trees, bounced above the branches on the road. Taehyung could feel his body more exhausted than it was before. He could guess it's because he didn't drink blood for a day already. The thought of the blood bag laying inside his lost backpack made him swallow his own saliva. 

His eyes lingered to Jeongguk's face that looked straight to their road. He slowly looked down at the soft and tempting neck- no no stop it Taehyung, control yourself!

He shook his head and then looked down at the road. 

"Look!" Jeongguk's excitement made Taehyung's body shudder and his head flew up with opened eyes, "the twin mountains!" the younger announced when they were close to the exit from the huge forest. They could see two mountains that looked alike linked together. It was still far but at least now it was in their view.

Taehyung smiled slightly, he then looked at Jeongguk who smiled back at him. "Now you relaxed?" Jeongguk asked, "we're close to breaking the bond"

Taehyung swallowed once again, slowly frowned at the other's words. "yes..." he mumbled out and Jeongguk just continued to walk. 

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