Chapter 48 • Another Goodbye

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Credit to Hisasihun for the edit ^

I'm sorry for the long wait... I've been having damn busy weeks and... very hard time...

I'm fine... but the updates will be slower than before... sorry again and I'll do my best for you guys. ❤️


Hoseok and Taehyung arrived at the palace through the secret cavern. Taehyung told him that he'll find Jeongguk and meanwhile, Hoseok will stay in the cavern.

Eventually, Taehyung managed to arrive at Jeongguk's room. The two got mad at each other and talked. Then ended up having sex :)

Baekhyun went to Suho, told him about a vampire hiding in the cavern. Suho told him to wake up EXO Legion and guard the whole area. 

Suho met Hoseok and took him to his room. the two ended up having sex (too) c:

The chapter ended with Jeon Jun knocking on Jeongguk's room.


words: 4812


Chapter 48 • Another Goodbye

"Son, open up" He opened the door while knowing it's going to be the end of his life. His and Taehyung's.

"Hey father!" he faked a smile and stepped out of his room, made his father also step back in confusion. "Aren't you asleep?" he closed the door behind him with the hope that his father won't feel Taehyung's aura through the door.

Jun looked over Jeongguk's shoulder at the door closing. He was expressionless. His eyes were dark while looking at his son's eyes. "Are you having fun, son?" he asked casually, made the other gulp.

"Ahh..." Jeongguk slightly looked at the closed door behind him and then looked down at the floor, "yeah, I took a slave..." he mumbled, slowly looked up at his father.

"I see" he smirked, "does he also have demon blood inside him?" he suddenly asked, made Jeongguk's eyes widen and his heartbeat increased. 

The door is closed and still, his father could recognize Taehyung's aura. Jeongguk didn't know how his father is so... powerful...

How can they even beat someone like him?

"Is that a joke?" he murmured, tried to act innocently even though his expression said it all. 

Jun stayed silent for short seconds, his smug smile still on his face and his eyes looked amusingly at his son's expression. "It is" he finally said with a calm voice, made Jeongguk perplexed but still so terrified.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's heart almost exploded by hearing their conversation. They were close to the door so he could slightly hear. He was sure he was going to die soon, but now, all he could think about was what the hell is this Demon? He's on another level...

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