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Sabrina's pov ,

When me and Dez left we called a Uber half way down the road.

"Wanna go to the hotel first or to get bag?"
She looked at me when we sat in the Uber comfortably
"Hotel first "
She nodded and I leaned back against her seat.

"Gotta pre game first " she laughed and practically stared at me while I giggled and shoved her "what's your problem mannn" she  leaned into me and smiled

"I'm just glad your here " she seemed genuine. She's crazy but when she's serious it's nice sometimes.
I kiss her head exaggerating the muah and looked down at my phone.
"Who do you want me to call for bag?" She shrugged and leaned up looking out the window

"I'm not sure...uhhh " the feeling In the car changed and the tension was thick and when I sat up I saw it.

My heart sank and the first thing that came to mind was what I would say

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My heart sank and the first thing that came to mind was what I would say.
"Is it this hotel?" The driver asked
I heard Dez response but I wasn't listening

"You ready fool ?"  I cracked and smile and nodded before she opens the door and leaps out. as soon as I stepped out the questions weren't about Dez anymore.   The flashing  were overwhelming but I tried to keep myself steady
"How do you feel Sabrina "
"Where's peep ?"
"When did you get out of the hospital "
Dez practically drug me to the hotel door and the people were nice enough to keep the pap out of the building. "I-I feel fine "
Was all I could get out.
Dez huffed and fixed her hair while I was still trying to process all the clocks of the camera. 
"Jeez that was a lot "
She flips her long hair behind her and walked up to the desk. When I fallowed Someone walked up to me and asked if I was ok and I just nodded
All the flashing from them reminds me of the fans.
They took so many photos and I didn't remember till now. 
Dez walks to me and wraps her arm around me walking with me to the elevator

"You ok?"
She said it like a mom
Like a teacher that  knows your parents just divorced but just handed you a test anyways.
"Am I all over Twitter ?"
The silence was so loud.
I feel hear breathing get heavier and her grip on my arm get tighter
When I look at her ,her eyes are watering up and she looks like she's  about to cry
"Hey I'm not mad I just didn't remember "
I pull my arm out of her grip and push all her hair out of her face.
"Stop crying you'll ruin your eyelashes "
She laughed and leaned her head on my shoulder

"that's not how it works but ok " I laughed with her and let all the tension flow out of the elevator like water when the doors opened. When I stepped out I tried to leave the thought of me OD'ing  on Twitter In  there
But it seemed to fallow.
My phone is scratching at my pocket.
The hall walk  seems so long

"I know a girl that sells but she's flakey"
Fuck she's being so slow right now. 
I slow down my pace realizing I don't even know where I'm going and I'm leading. She leads to a room at the end of the hall and flings it open.

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