
448 14 5

Sabrina's pov

After we left the hospital peep did slowed down on the pills.

Only pills.

He didn't stop by no means but slowing down is something I'd rather have then no change
When I look down at my cup I hear the distant voices of the party behind me.
Although the alcohol has been a little much lately.


I hear his voice behind me fallowed with a hiccup.
When I turn around he has blood on his hand and chin.

"I fucked up "
Once he got closer he stood up straighter. I've noticed when he comes around me he try's to act a bit more  sober than he really is.
I huff and rested my hand to his jawline pushing his head around to look at it

"What happened?"
He rubbed his nose taking a deep breath I can physically see my words take their time getting through his head

"I-..I went an took a piss.."
he slurred piss and put his hand to his mouth hearing his mess up.

"Mis judged a step "
he mumbled it with his hand covering his mouth
The music in the background seemed to take over him
"Are you ok?"
My words weren't hitting him in any way "Gus?"
His eyes completely glasses over
"Babe." I put my hand on his arm and snake my nails around it enter locking our arms just Incase he fell over
My nails seems to tickle him because he looked down at me and shivered.

"Can we go back to the buss

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"Can we go back to the buss."

The goofy drunk mood was gone and he didn't seem to have any social battery anymore  
When I looked around I see tracy watching us from a group of people
"Wanna go talk to tracy?" As I spoke I tried to take a step but his body didn't budge

"Sabrina please"

I looks up at him and pushed his hair back running my fingers through it
"Promise to eat when we get there?" I spoke as my hand stoped at the base of his neck
He nodded and leaned his head on my shoulder
He's taller than me but not  a extreme amount

We started to walk back to the buss. away from a outdoor bar that I think one of his friends hosted.

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