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I'm sorry brina. 

Please talk to me.
Come smoke ?
—————————-Tuesday at 6:45pm—————

Come smoke?
Hey :((


Please talk to me

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Please talk to me

——————today at 2:30 pm————————


Hey what's up

Nothing. Wbu

Don't be so dry brina I told you I'm sorry

I don't know what you expect from me.
You done diddly fucked up

I was high :(

You can't use that as an excuse
I trusted you.

I know.
I wanna make it up to you please.
Maybe we can go get food or we can trip together

Trip ?

Or shrooms

What no
Gus yoi really hurt me

I know I shouldn't have done that.

You just have to earn my trust back I don't know what to tell you.

I get it.
Can you come back on the bus.
Without Dez.

Without her?


Why she doesnt bug anyone.

But me.

Damn ,didn't know it was like that.

I didn't know you liked girls.

Ok I'm coming.


When I stood up Dez didn't move.  She was knocked out on me so I just layed her on the couch. Tracy was here so she was fine. 
I looked at my phone while i walked and huffed seeing A message request on Instagram.
When I see the username it was literal gibberish
He found me.
It was Alex I know it's Alex he took a picute of the tour buss. When I look up from my phone I'm standing right in front of the door that leads outside. 
The red tint makes everything creppy and I don't dig it.

I can see the buss door from here

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I can see the buss door from here. 
I'm safe everything's fine
My stomach flipped and when I reach for the door something told me no. 
My phone vibrates in my hand but I ignore it pushing the door open. When I walk out the fresh air felt nice. When I toook a deep breath everything was cut off by someone covering my head and practically pushing me down. When then do they kick me and shuffle through my pockets it's only one person. My hot air has filled in the cloth other my head and my tears are coming out so fast I can't breath.
They stand on the side of my temple applying alittle pressure causing me to cry out.

"I-im sorry Alex ." I practically screamed it out
There's no possible way it wasn't him. I tried to push their foot off or scoot out from under him but it just scrapped my face.
The foot let my head go and I could hear their feet patter away. My chest rises so fast I feel like I'm spinning. When I pulled the cloth off my hairs tangled and stuck to my cheeks. The lights don't adjust right away and I sit up on my palms.
Holy fuck he jumped me.
Why would he jump me.
When I sniffled my face stung and I felt something drip my phone vibrates against the ground and I slowly catch my breath picking it up
"Where are you ?"

"I think I just got jumped ?"

"Where are you?"
Before I could answer the bus doors swing open and I was just feet from them. WHen I look up at him I smile pushing myself up of the ground
"I'm fine " before I lift my upper body,  my body went limp while I passed out. I just saw gus start running towards me before it all went black

Gustavs P.O.V

She's taking forever.
She literally was just inside I bet it was fucking Dez convinced her to stay.
When I pick up my phone and unlock it clicking on her name while I pace around the bus.
When she doesn't answer all I do is groan and stare of
Where is she.
This is shit.
My stomach flips and I get a uneasy feeling
Fuck it
I'll go find her
as I think that I press her name again and her heavy breathing shoots through the phone
"Where are you?"

"I think I just got jumped "
As I'm walking to the front of the buss I speak again

"Where are you " When the doors fling open I can see her on the ground.
It throws off my high so I stopped in my tracks.
When she lifted her head she pushed her hair behind her ear looking around just as confused as I am.
She seemed to hear the buss doors because when she looked over her scared look turned into a smile
"I'm fine... "
He voice sounded so nonchalant about it
Her shirt was twisted and she seems disheveled he hair was a mess and she held a werid pillow case in her hand when I take a step off the buss about to say something she lifted herself up of the ground stumbling and them completely falling.
I tried to catch her before she hit the ground but I was to late

"Sabrina ?"

When I made it to her her face had blood over her cheek and neck. I run over and bang on the bus as hard as I can when I turn around I just stare at her laying there.
I can't speak
Holy fuck I feel like I'm floating.
It doesn't feel like I'm breathing so before my knees hit the ground I practically choke on my own air I'm not really panicking just feel like I ran 5 miles.

"B-brina wake up "

when I push the hair off her forehead her eyes twitched and people come flying out the buss
"Hoooly fuck peep I though you were a robber " smoke sack came stumbling off first when I looked at him I thought I spoke but I suppose I didn't because he looked at me odd .
"Yo dude you look white at hell " love heart pushed past him apparently seeing brina before I saw him
When he ran up everything started to slow down
I'm too high
Love hearts talking to me but I can't reply. I let myself fall back on my ass and sit there
Everyone started to rush off the buss around Sabrina. Eventually I couldn't see her anymore and all I did was sit there.
Things are going so fast but so slow. When I rub my face I feel a hand on my back
Someone's voice broke through

"Get back on the buss " when I look up horse head was standing over me and as I look back at the spot where Sabrina was but she wasn't there ,smokesacc layed her over his shoulder walking back onto the bus

"Do you know what happened ?" When I stand up I take another deep breath

"No I -...I walked out and she tried to stand up and fell I'm assuming knocking herself out "

being out of breath is no joke. When I get back into the bus she was awake looking around.
I just stand in the front watched her. Loveheart handed her a wet paper towel and she started wiping the dried blood
"Honestly, I'm not sure who it was but they didn't take anything so" she spoke and I watched the blood on her cheek crack from being drys up.
Her cheeks are so red
She doesn't seem upset just in shook.
When I walk over she smiled up at me

"Hello, you look like a ghost "
All I can do is plop next to her and she layed her head on my shoulder

"Are you ok?"

I felt her move so when I looked over she was still wiping the side of her neck that was exposed.
"I have alittle road rash but I'm ok " when I looked at her she just smiled up at me like nothing happened

"Why are you so calm "

she just shrugged. And looked a head
"Can I sleep with you tonight ?" She ignored my question and I just admired her for a minute.

"Any day ma."

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