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Peeps P.O.V

She moved so fast I didn't have time to stop it

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She moved so fast I didn't have time to stop it.
It's not my fault.
But she wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for me. Sitting down at the edge of the stage I rubbed my feet together looking at my lap.
Layla smacked me.  She's never done that. 
The mic Layed next to me ,waiting for smoksacc to get everything ready.
When I think back to what happened I think everyone was surprised.  It happened so quick. When she smacked me my ears rang
that's how hard she smacked me.
When  Sabrina was grabbing her face shoving her back into the wall it was happening fast.
"As if you could ever get-" was all I heard from Sabrina. Layla's scream over powers her voice and I heard a loud smack and Layla ran. 
Coldhart came running in confused and Sabrina seemed so out of it she was pale.
She looked angry but pale and she fallowed after Layla.  After she pushed past me cold heart grabbed her and she was mad at him for stopping her. When smokesacc came to the back he just picked her up and walked to the front with her  
When I come back to my surroundings I don't feel better. 
This feels odd.
I felt hands wrap up the back of my neck thinking is was Sabrina I leaned into it

"I know you miss me baby "
He voice send pins through my chest and I move my head up it's Layla again and I huff standing up.
Too fast but it's ok.

"can you fuck off" she stood infront of me walking closer while I turned on my heals and walked back to the dressing room looking for security.
"Gus please you know you're just going to end up calling me back .. why not make it easy for yourself " I scoff and it seemed like someone already spotted her because the security started talking to her again.
When I sit on a couch in the back there are hella people around me.
No one seems to notice ME though.
When I stand up I grab a lighter and a pre rolled and walk to the front.
I don't expect anyone to talk to me but it would be nice from time to time.
This is my show and some how no one notices me leaving through the front.

When I walk to the back aroind the front I find her.
She looks so zoned out, is she alone?
She's so small someone could just take her.

"Brina ?"

Her head shot up and looked in my direction while she cracked a smile "hey peepers " when I walked up to her she was sitting on a rock wall.

"I'm sorry"

We both just kinda stared before responding and she picked at her nails. "It's ok I promsie. I trust you" her hand wrapped around my chin and let it snake to the hair on the back of my neck
It felt nice
I put my chest to the wall and layed my head in her lap

"Wanna smoke?"

She nodded and I stepped back stumbling around. 
She's very picture perfect. 

When I watched her she seemed to be watching me

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When I watched her she seemed to be watching me

"Like what you see?"

I gave her a toothy grin and she laughed
"You're something else " when she looked at her lap I pulled the blunt out lighting it

"Hey have you heard from that kid ?"

When she looked at me she looked so innocent it hurt

It took me a minute to remember his name but when I did her face changed

"Alex "

she sniffles and takes the spliff when I hand it to her "well no not really ...which is kinda concerning "

I ping of jealousy hit me and I looked at her

"do you still talk to him?"

She shook her head without looking at me "no but last time he did this he tried to crash my car...he's crazy "

When I laughed it was because she thinks that's crazy

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When I laughed it was because she thinks that's crazy.

"You know I would never hurt you right " when I look at her she seemed confused on where this is going
"Yea- why are you laughing it was scary " she chuckled a little and I wiggle the anxiety out my nose walking up to her

"he's nothing compared to me. "

She looked at me while I layed my hands on her thighs.

" I'll kill him if he hurts you again. "

when I said it I put my head back down on her lap and hugged her waist.
" your so small " she just laughed and ran her fingers through my hair
"You're a baby " I heard her tap the blunt out and sniffle. 
her voice sounded playful so I picked her up when I stood up straight

"I'm a baby that's kidnapping you "
she screamed and laughed and I wrapped my arms around her lower half while her legs wrapped around my waist when I walked away she started to laugh to hard so I let her go slowly.

"You play to much "

she backed away from me laughing and I smiled watching her.
She's angelic

To pure for this
All this and she's so pure.

Her voice pulled me back.

"Are you ready for the show ?" She started to walk backwards
"Because I am , and I'm gunna beat you to it " and with that she took off.
Childish but cute. 
And with that I took off too.
When I sprinted around the corner the line to the show  started to grow. Sabrina was already at the door and the closer I got the more people saw me. If I was  any slower they would have got me but I got inside.  
When I look down the hall  I see her flash around the corner hearing her laugh because she can't control herself. 

Chasing after the drug I can't OD on.

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