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My converse are kinda hurting me now.
This sucks.
We lowkey walked really far.
She's talked the whole time and I'm sleepy.
Once we make it we walk up to a house that has music blareing from the inside with A crowd of people that seem to be yelling. Dezz story about her cat was cut of by screaming and yelling.
When we walk up to the end of the drive way the crowd separates with two people being held back. I look it was a darker skinned boy with dreads, not too long. They have shiny gold things dangling and it caught my attention. When I finally look at The other guy honestly , there's so much blood I don't now what he looks like.
Things seem to calm down and the guy with the black and blonde dreads clams down.
He doesn't seem to be hurt at all.

Just angry. 

"Don't every come around here with that fuck shit again nigga " his voice was fast and his hands spoke how mad he was
He walked away and noticed Dez and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry you had to see that ma , he brought some fuck shit over here. " he smiled and walked to her and she shrugged hugging him
" I figured, How are you ??" He shrugged and wiped his mouth
"I'm good. I need to get out of LA but I'm good " she just laughed and motioned to me
"This is my friend Sabrina , she's a videoagapher " he motioned his attention to me and he seemed to be surprised by me
"Oh really ? Like for music videos and stuff. ?" He asked a question and I nodded and smiled at him
"I do concerts too " he just smiled and looked me up and down.

"That's cool. Really cool have you recorded anyone I know ? " he got closer to me and I made eye contact
"Ive only done lil  peep " he smiled and nodded
"Good man, never met him but his music is nice " I just smile and hold my hand out

"And you are? " he seemed surprised by my hand and shook it firmly

"Jahseh  or you can call me x " I just nod while we make odd eye contact
It wasn't uncomfortable
Just long
He was cute really.
Really cute
He just smiled and chuckled looking back at Dez.
"Wanna come inside ?" he points his thumb to the house and I notice him glancing at me
And she nodded like she's known him forever. I fallow behind looking around.
It's not a fancy house at all.
But it's what I'm use to honestly.
I haven't seen this side of LA but it's not pretty.
At least that's what a lot of people would say.
This is were I'm from practically. Everyone is very sweet and protective over eachother they just look so mean and tough on the outside.
Every race came together for eachother. Of course we had problems.
Things that a lot of people would say is uneasy ,but you won't understand till you're n that situation
Once we make it In the the house the mixture between smoke and Mexicans and African Americans mingleinf amongdt eachother the house is ful of smoke and guns we walked to a room with much less people and a bed. He sat down and Dez pulled me next to her on the bed

"You're room is aesthetic " he laughed and looked around plopping in a spunky office chair
"Really how? I feel like this house is a crack house. Loud  as hell " he let out a little chuckle.
His laugh is cute.
He laughs a lot.
"Like a music video. It would make a great video in here " I look around and when I make my eyes back to him I notice him starring

"Well do you want to ?" I let my eyebrow jump and I let a smirk hit him.
"Oh really ?" He just smiled and Dez seemed to clear her throat awkwardly
"You should do it everyone here is so sweet " x stood up and walked out the room door and stood in the hall way talking to someone. They ran of and before I knew it the music was turned up so loud I thought about the cops coming over it.

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