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I woke up in the middle of the night much, much sober than before. When I sat up in the twin bed  I groaned softly, trying to collect what happened last. Wiggy was sitting in a chair across the room and I didn't even notice. With the click of his iPhone it made Me look his way

"How do you feel "

He had a blanket over him but he doesn't look like he had been sleeping
"Sore for some reason and weirdly sober " I said standing up and stretching after I was done I looked at him a bit more
"Have you Been asleep?" He shook his head and i huffed
"come lay in the bed ima go to the bathroom"
I walked past him to the bathroom while it looked like he hesitated but I could tell he was tired. Hearing the bed creak while i washed my hands I had already new my intentions.
There was no doubt of course I feel  guilty but did guss when he continued to bring girls in?
I left the bathroom and huffed sitting on the edge of the wrong  sized bed.
He was laying on his back with his phone on his stomach in a white t-shirt and basketball shorts I reached down and grabbed the edge  of the blanket "can I lay with you?" His head turned to me and he nodded watching me. He scooted  over a bit and I laid next to him on my side facing him. I pulled the blanket over myslef then made sure it coverd him scooting closer. I could feel his body tense and get nervous
That my favorite
I like when I make them  nervous
His arm raised and I took that as permission to slide in. My head rested on his chest while my leg draped over his thighs.  his arm wrapped around me pulling me closer and resting it on my hip.
I knew his body still wasn't as relaxed as I wanted it. I snuggled closer making lips line up  right under his chin
"You okay?" I broke the silence beside the light tv he had on ,while  he took a deep breath.

"Yeah yeah , got a pretty girl in my bed I'm great "
he said I could hear his voice shake and I smiled leting my hand rest on the middle of his chest
"If I'm doing to much you can tell me " he immediately shook his head and his grip on my waist tightened.
"Im fine" I'm nodded and moved my leg up dangerously close to his crouch. I knew. My body was running off adrenaline I couldn't help myself practically. His legs moved slightly while i felt him get comfortable his head only  moved slightly but I pressed my lips to his chin kissing down it to his neck
My hand trailed up his chest to the other side of his head letting my fingers go in his hair. I kissed him a bit longer before I heard his breath stutter. His confidence suddenly must have busted because his body twisted to mine  letting his face clash with mine our lips lining up perfectly. He pulled me closer and let one hand trail down my waist

"You can't imagine how long I've waiting for this "
I laughed softly pulling away from our kiss also for a second
"A dirty secret "
He huffed and let his hand push its self between my body and my clothes

"It's hard to be gentle with you I want it so bad "
I can feel him shaking , his hand was pulling my pants down before I knew it that were off. I took my shirt and bra off myself and before I knew it he was above me admiring my body
"Holy fuck"
I pulled him into a kiss quickly getting nervous,
His body pressed against mine before I felt the rest of him.  My body was so full of adrenaline I could barely see. I knew I wanted this. But fuck I miss peep. Wiggys hands left my face moving down my waist to my panty line. His fingers traced my skin making his way to the front of my pink underwear . He pulled them down , sliding his hand back up my thighs  letting his fingers slide over my clit .
I couldn't help it. 
I gasp softly trying to be quiet. I could already tell I was wet , soaked actually. His fingers knew exactly the right places to go. I couldn't help but let gasps out before he muffled them with his lips.  He pulled his hand away along his face panting softly
"fuck... can I?"
When he pulled away I looked up at him through my eye lashes nodding. He undid his button And  slid his hand in his pants himself looking down at me

"you look so good "

I could feel my face heat up.
His hand reached down cupping a perfect handful while rubbing his thumb over my nipple.  He squeezed slightly testing  how sensitive I was and I will admit I'm pretty sensitive."Y-you're being a tease "
He smirked bending down  taking  my face in his hand  to look him in his eye.
Fuck I feel guilty
But fuck I want him so bad
I wanna feel him inside of me I can feel myself shaking almost
"You've been a tease for years "
He has melted me. 
His other hand was adjusting himself to line up to to my center. I felt him and before I could prepare he slid in. Hearing him gasp and sigh softly just made me melt more into the bed.
My body was overwhelmed
Feeling him push him self back and forth slowly my body felt like it was about to burst. All I could do is moan.

"You feel so good"

His hand let my face go and moved to my throat.  Feeling him squeeze ever so slightly was enough to send me over the edge. 
"I-i think I'm gunna.." I couldn't finish my sentence being over bared with pleasure. He went faster than before hitting just the right spot making me make the loudest noise I've made all night. 
Fuck I just came so hard to someone else.
My face is still hot from being on edge.
He pulls away and cleaned up before handing me my underwear sliding back into his spot next to me.
"Holy fuck"
I put them on and panted next to him before looking over
My god that was good. But I feel so guilty. 
"I needed that"  I said before I felt him chuckle And pat the bed for his phone "go to sleep you need it" I turned to my side cuddlin up to his arm while it rested on his chest with us phone. His hand dropped it for a moment pulling a blanket over the both of us. Before I knew it I was out like a light

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