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"I'm not sure if I'm mad just yet."

I feel like I'm in high school

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I feel like I'm in high school.
This is the dumbst shit. 
Why did he put on a show.
I'm sitting in front of Brynt With a desk separating us. While peep is pacing back and forth eating something.
He seems anxious ,
I mean so am I but I'm so high.
everything is rushing through my head  ,my hands on on my camera while I look back and fourth from it to him. 
I don't know what to say. 

"It's my fault she didn't want this "

Peeps voice broke the silence and when I looked up Brynt was looking at him with his hands together and elbows on the table.
God this is SO fucking dumb.
I should have known better I'm about to lose my job just because I wanted a good time.
" this could be big "He clapped his hands together gently and looked at me.

"How many followers do you have on twitter "
I didn't reply right away because I didn't understand what that had to do with anything but he looked at me like I was dumb so I did.
"I don't have a Twitter , I'm only really on Instagram. "
His eyebrows raised like he ws judging me.
"You should get onto that " he moved back to peep who stoped moving
"When was the last time you talked to Layla " I didn't look back at him but he didn't answer right away.

"I don't know, Like a few weeks ago " 

He seems just as confused as I was.  brnyt nodded and looked like he was thinking
"This could make you big, bigger than you already are . Imagine the headlines " he put his hands up in a square and moved them as he spoke "lil peeps new mystery girl"I swallowed the lump in my throat  and thought back to the interview I saw on him. 
"Layla will cause a uproar.You will become bigger. " peep chuckles a little when he repeats himself. when I looked back he seemed zoned out and just nodded.
"I don't have a peoblem with it. " Brynt looked at me
" I'll add a surprise to your next check " my mouth twitched Into a smile even though I wasn't sure if I wAs suppose to.
He motioned for us to leave and I stood up almost rushing out. I keep walking not even sure where I'm going.

"Brina Slow down." I didn't listen and kept waking.
This is so dumb.
Over a piece of dick. 
I almost lost my job over a fucking dick. 
Gus grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks and putting himself infront of me

"What's wrong ? He's not mad you're ok "

I just look up at him and admire him for a moment
"Do you know why I need this job?" He just shook his head examining me

"I don't have a home , I got kicked out. I know you have the tour buss and all these friends but I don't.  I don't have anyone I took my shit and ran from Alex this paycheck is my safety " he just watched me while I talked. 

"Well you're safe you're fine he said it's fine " 

I just nodd and walk past him and he fallowed

"Why Are you upset what's going on?"

He seems frustrated and I huff
"Why does he treat you like that "It was like I said something hurtful.
His face twisted and almost looked down on me

"What are you talking about ?"

When I make it to outside everyone's just scattered around talking to their own groups

"He didn't care as long as it gave you clout.  He even said something about Layla " he just looked and me and shook his head

"You're trippin. "

he looked at me with almost disgust and walked away from me.  I just stood there. 
That was werid. 
I'm here to take photos not give peep clout. 
I just stand there in this weird void. 
I'm not tired.
I'm not sad
I'm not mad.
I'm just here.   
When I looked around I see Dez and she seemed uneasy around tracy.  When I walk up to her,  her face lights  up and she walked closer to me
"Hey where you been?"
I just shrugg " talking to peep  " she nodded and looked back at tracy before talking to me "Wanna go smoke ?" I nod and smile while  she wraps a arm around mine and walked with me

"Have  you been to 23rd  street ?"  She patted her pockets and pulled out a pre rolled blunt
I shake my head and keep walking with her
"I'll show you ,I have friends there. " I just laugh and fallow her
"Sounds sketchy, who's your friends ?"

"Jahseh , or xxxtentaction , ever heard of him ?"

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