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Sabrina's pov

I don't know if I'm angry or upset but fuck.
I'm so tired of looking at her
Gus looks so scared and confused

"How could you, Am I just nothing to you? is everything we did nothing! "

Fucking Layla.
She came barging in and freaked out on gus talking about he promised her He would come back

But she's lying
I know she is
She said he just called her

He's been with me this whole time

"Your lying. I hate you "
Gus stood there white like a ghost trying to clam things down but every time he did he got cut off by her.

"Layla please leave "

"Fuck you "


"What makes her better than me .  What is she to you why don't you love me "
I let out A annoyed sigh because half of me is angry and the other half wants to kick her ass.
She interpreted us and is making guss anxious.

After that she looked at me and her makeup was all over her face , she looked crazy.

"You're a whore "
I raise my eyebrows and watch her but not saying anythjng

"You don't deserve gus look at you "

Peep walked up closer to her and he didn't look pale anymore
"Leave "
As soon as the word left his mouth she slapped him across the face and turned towards me about to hit me
Before she could I stood up and that was the last thing I remember.

when I come to I'm over someone's shoulder and panting really hard.
Before I could say anything I was thrown on a couch and my chest felt sore
My hair was all over my face stuck with sweat along with the tiny scab on my cheek.
My head feels so disoriented and dez pushed past everyone to sit next to me.
"Are you okay ? "
She started pushing my hair out of my face and scooting closer.

"My god can you be any far up her ass. "

peeps voice broke out and he sounded so aggressive.

"Jesus fuck give her space "

Dez pulled her hands back sorta sad and everyone started to weed away after a moment
When I looked around it wasn't hard to notice the blood on me but I don't feel pain
The only place that hurts is my chest
I wiped my hands on my shirt and it wasn't bad.
I swear it wasn't bad
I can't remember but if it was bad there would be more blood
When I looekd up Dez has left and peep sat in front of me twisting his hair watching me

  I swear it wasn't badI can't remember but if it was bad there would be more blood  When I looekd up Dez has left and peep sat in front of me twisting his hair watching me

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"You kicked ass "

My eyes felt tingly and watching him felt odd

"What do you mean "
He jumped a eyebrow at me and sat up leaning on his knees

"Layla left , you poped her once in the mouth and then grabbed her face. made her freak out. "
I didn't say anything and I think it made him feel bad
"She's ok though she's not hurt bad "

I motion to the blood and shook my head and he shook his.

"You just busted her lip she's fine. " he shoved his hands into mine and
I just nod and take a deep breath
Everything is fine.
Things are fine.

Before he stood up he grabbed a xan and handed me one before taking a drink

He's so photogenic it hurts.
He's so pretty

When he hands me the cup I take it taking my xan and sighs He let his head fall back andhe took a deep breath

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When he hands me the cup I take it taking my xan and sighs
He let his head fall back andhe took a deep breath

"Do you hurt ?"
I shake my head and rub my face
My cheek is pretty sore but other than that I'm fine. Things are ok
He took a deep breath and looked at me

"I have a show tonight , you up for it ? "

As soon as he spoke the image of him on stage smacked me in the head.  
It's almost like I faded into a concert and back out
"Yeah I think I can, can you?"
He raised an eyebrow at me and laughed a little

"I got this "

and with that he stood up and walked away to the door of the buss when he left everything fell silent and so did my head for a second.
Once I realized my eyes felt so small from crying apparently and my body tingled from the left over adrenaline.
When I look around I see my camera so I grab it flipping through the photos. He took some pictures of me sleeping.
Ha creep
The feeling went away and my face started to twist into a smile. When I realized how sweet it is. When I sighed and stretched trying to collect myself and get ready for a room full of b.o and screaming girls.

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