
521 17 8

⚠️TW mention of drug over dose⚠️
Sabrina's pov

My leg that was on his was now next to him.
Trying to get him to talk to me

"What's wrong peepers ?" I said  jokeily but he didn't laugh with me.
He looked up at Dez that's standing across the buss

"Someone can't keep their peepers off you "

He sounded upset and hastily. So I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair and traced his jaw
"But I don't  want her I want you"
He still seemed off so I backed off
"Wanna smoke ?" I offered and he just nodded he started setting up.
This is fine. We have maybe a week left till our next show and things are going smoothly.
We both are too obsessive
Maybe even alittle toxic but it's fun
Dez came and sat in the other side of me and showed me something in her phone
When I pulled my leg off peeps he immediately pulled it back
"People think we are dateing "
Dez said it laughing and I smile and send kisses to her "the world may never know " we both laugh and she continues
Peep lights the blunt and I look back to him
He seems focused.
"What are you thinkin about "
Gus has always been a strong kid but here recently things have been getting to him I think.
He just shrugs and sighed standing up
I frown and watch him walk away from me
Was it me?
Maybe I should give him space.

Did you fuck up

You bite the inside of your lip and walk to the back of the bus flopping on the bed letting the smell of gus take over me. Pulling the pillow closer to my head i hug it with dear life.

It felt like I laid there for a long time thinking.
Trying to collect everything that's happened over the last few weeks. Yeah all this shit has happened within a span of 2 months. At some point I turned on peeps music.
Eventually I feel myself drifting off all I can think about is the way gus sounds. His voice is angelic.

Gustavs POV

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Gustavs POV

Mangment is up my ass about quite literally everything.
Sound like my parents.
When I saw brina with Dez it was different this time
It made me sad really fucking sad.
When I walked away from brina to get some air my high is going down when I shove my hands in my pocket to get those pills somethings telling me to stop but nothing stops me
I washed them down.
Things are diffrent.
Somethings wrong today.
I stood outside for a while thinking.
About everything, things are getting hard.
Walking around with the blunt and my own voice ringing in my head is getting tiring.
Shooting the blunt down and walking up the stairs of the bus felt like I telaported
When I'm standing back on the buss my vision is slowly starting to get altered.
My legs feel like they are so thin I can barely keep my self up. Looking around I could either sit by Dez or go to the back.

The back it is
When I look down the hall it seemed to stretch farther than ever.
Somethings wrong.
Each step I took it felt like my chest was caving in
My heartbeat is beating so loud
I don't remember walking up to the door of the room. But I'm here and I can barely pick up my arms to open it.

it comes out as a breath sadly and when I open the door I see her laying in the bed.

That's the last thing I saw actually.
When do I get a break?
Why can't I just vibe.
I hear her voice
She's screaming she sounds so scared
I can't move
I just wanna tell her I can hear her
Somethings wrong
I can barely hear my own voice
My chest hurts so bad.

Sabrina's POV

Being woke up to a huge crash is terrible.
But nothing worse than seeing someone you love on the floor full of foam

When I woke up I sat up so fast I didn't know what happened when I look around I hear movement
The tables slightly tilted and everything's spilt.
When I crawl to the other side of the bed I finally get a glance of him on the floor. He's griping his own shirt so tight his knuckles are white. He's vibrating just a little.
My heart jumps to my throat when I get on the floor with him. I choke at first but all I could get out was a scream.
It was so loud i almost hurt my own ears
He was so stiff I wasn't sure what to do but roll him over on his side
When I did he threw up almost immediately and I push the hair out of his face pushing all the things from the table to the side so I can sit him up on my lap.
"Guss baby can you hear me " at this point everyone's rushed into the room talking ,screaming, asking questions.
Bexey went and called 911 while I sat his head in my lap shoving my fingers down his throat.
After he threw up the first time his lips started to turned blue and it looked like he was choking.

Everything is quite

My body was shaking from how violently gus was and I'd rather him bite my fingers than bite off his own tounge. Eventually his face started to gain his color back. I felt like he couldn't throw up anymore and he wasn't shaking anymore.
I can hear the ambulance when they came in and took him all I could do was watch.before I Know it they had me by under my shoulders pulling me up off the floor Dez walked up to me and handed me a towel.
They took to the hospital.
I don't know why i still felt him with me.

The buss was very quite.

His voice came from my phone really softly.

The most quite I have ever heard. Maybe it's just me.
Someone asked me to ride with them and I think it was Dez.
She pushed my hair of my face and wiped my cheeks with her sleeves
"Don't stress baby. You saved him. " I finally come back from zoning out and look down at her. She looks sad but like she's examining me
She sent me a small smile.
"Come on were going to the hospital " she wraps her arm Around mine and starts to guide me.
You know that feeling when you're so surprised all you can do is stare and let your heartbeat keep you alive.

What happened .

What did I miss in a span of how ever fucking long I was asleep.
I was asleep.

Holy fuck this happened right under my nose.

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