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When I wake up Dez is wrapped around me

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When I wake up Dez is wrapped around me. She's really comfortable honestly, I don't move right away letting my eyes adjust to the light. The room was quite except for her breathing. I hear moment  and when I move my head it was x.
He didn't have a shirt on and he seemed to be on his computer, When I oook back at Dez she shuffled in my arm curve and pulled her leg of from over top of me.
I took the chance to sit up and she rolled over when I did.
My mouth is so dry.
My throat hurts from it.
The back of my eyes hurts they are so heavy it hurts.
Oh fuck I slept here.
When I look down at myself I still have all my clothes on. Nothing seemed to feel odd or uncomfortable.

"Well goodmorning " his voice broke the silence and when he pulled his head phones off
his head you could hear his music blareing from them.
I just smirk and rub my eyes for a second before responding
"Goodmorning " when I feel the bed I find my phone and when I click it there's twenty missed called from gus.
I just let it plop in my lap and I look back at Dez she rolled back over and groaned letting her eyes open
"Oh my fucking god my head is pounding. " she sounded groggy and she moved her body around mine groanin the entire time
When I think back to last night I don't remember much but singing and talking to jashah the whole time. He's very inspirational, I didn't do anything with him I don't think but I'm not sure.
Everything feels fine.

"You feel ok brina ?"

Well at some point we got close enough for nick names

I nod and chuckled
"Of course , I feel odd but I'm fine " my phone started to ring and he looked at it
"It's been going off all morning." I just sigh and pick it up answering it

"Sabrina oh my-where are you ? I've been calling all morning "

I just look up at the ceiling and sigh
"I'll be over in a minute "
He didn't answer but when he didn't he didn't sound right

""Y-you where suppose to be in a meeting ... with're late!" At the end he seemed to get his confidence back and hung up
A meeting ?
I'm a photographer why do I need to be in a meeting with a "punk star "

I just let my phone drop and huff
"We have to go ,well I have to go ...apparently I'm late to a meeting ?" Dez just looked at me odd and x spin his chair towards me. "Well it was nice meeting you , you have my number and socials so don't be a stranger " he laughed a little and I just smile and stand up "I appreciate you, thank you " with that he stood up and walked to the door with me and Dez. He talked to her while I walked behind. I ordered an Uber that was literally down the street. We didn't wait long and when it came he hugged me and that was that .
He didn't try anything.
It was very simple vist. I don't remember a lot but I feel ok and Dez told me we stayed up all night talking and smoking.
"I don't even know what this fucking meeting is about " Dez voice broke the silence in the car and then it came to a stop.
"Yeah as if you would know anyways "
She laughed at my smart remark and When we got out it was a small building. Again as always I could hear the music from outside. When we walked in my head is starting to hurt just alittle.  When I walk in it was  a pod cast like set up.  Dez walked off and I just stood their looking stupid when I looked down at my camera I started to fuck with the settings.
I could hear peeps voice but he seemed agravared

"Just... I don't know tell her something, tracy please " when I lift my head I walk up to where all the commotion seems to be coming from.
He's in the middle of it.
Of course.
When he sees me he smiled but looked back at a phone while someone took a picute of him with a fan

 When he sees me he smiled but looked back at a phone while someone took a picute of him with a fan

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He has a shit eating grin on his face
And a gun?
But we won't talk bout that.
When he was finished he handed the gun to someone else and walked over to me.

"You came"

I just stare at him before talking.
This was a trick.
He literally tricked me into coming.
am I that stupid.
"Doesn't look like I needed to " I made sure to be cold towards him.
His smile dropped and he wiped his nose.

"Why are mad this time "

He shuffled a little so I looked up at him.
This time?
God he's such an cocky asshole when he's jealous

"Why am I here gustav.." I let the camera fall around my neck and shove my hands  into my hoodie pockets.

"Where were you last night ?"
I look up at him raising an eyebrow.
Is he jokeing.

"Definitely not fucking someone in the back of the tour bus , oh wait I might have been giving your clout to someone else if that what you're scared of ?"  It all came  out so fast. Before I knew it my face started heating  up and my eyes burned so bad and I can't see.
I can't fucking see
I look down really frustrated .

"I'm sorry "

his voice was louder than the music.  And he sounded sad

"'re right I just ...i don't know....I'm sorry "

when I looked up at him I couldn't help but let myself fall apart.
Why does he seem so sad all of a sudden. 
"I-I wasn't fucking anyone " I sniffled trying to wipe my eyes without letting it being obvious
Taking a deep breath I look up at him dead in his eyes

"Can you say the same ?"

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