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Sabrina's P.O.V

Gustavs phone rang and that was cue for me to shower.
When I walk into the bathroom peep fallows behind me

"It's too small I changed my mind. "

Did I?
Or did I just realize that he's a walking std

"Why not babe you're small we can do it. "

he goes to take of his shirt and I grab the hem

"No." I said it alittle more stermly and he just looked at me for a moment

when he walks way I closed the door and let the lump in my throat fall to my stomach. 
This is not the move.
Why would he spend this much time on me just to fuck around.
You know what
Fuck it
I slide off my shirt along with my pants and look in the mirror.
Oh jeez. 
Feeling myself feels gross. 
Looking at myself feels gross.
I brush it off and turn on the water looking through my phone before getting in.
Right before I turn on music my notifications go off and i huff picking it right back up.

"Oblivious is the new stupid"

I pull the inside of my cheek between my cheek and huff
Before I click on it another one pops up

"But you seem to already have gotten the memo "
When I do click on it , it takes me to Instagram dms



When I click on her insta gram it seems darker than before. Pictures of her crying but I mean. She's pretty.

Really pretty.

her and gus probably have a lot of history.

Clicking the lock button I run my hands through my hair before starting to finish getting undressed.

I can't remember for the life of me what happened last night.

All I remember is sitting on the couch. He seemed worried about me ,everything seemed fine.

When the water hits my back it was like weight was tooken off my shoulders

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When the water hits my back it was like weight was tooken off my shoulders.

It's nice to have the sound of the water over power your thoughts ,even if it's just for a second.

Then it's right back to where he was.
I didn't even know there a ihop around here.

Should I go get tested?

Who else did he sleep with.

What am I doing ?

My arms went numb when the what if's turn in to what if Alex got me.

What if he decided to really hurt me yesterday.

My cheek is burning so bad I can't think
He hasn't contacted me at all.
I mean I have his restricted and blocked on everything but still.
is this what relaxing is like. The water feels nice, so nice that Before I knew it was zoned out for an hour
When I got out I got dressed and brushed my hair

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