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Sabrina's pov

I was so fucking tired. 
I don't know why but that was a alot
with Alex its always a lot.

When Guss  said to go lay in the bed I fallowed directions and it was the best decision ever

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When Guss  said to go lay in the bed I fallowed directions and it was the best decision ever.
After I laid  for a minute trying to take in what happened be came and cuddled into my back till I turned around facing him

"I'm not mad at you. I hope you knkw that "

His voice was muffled by my hair and I move everything to the side to see his face. His eyes are still closed but he seems peaceful

"I just will beat a bitch up over you"

we both let out a small chuckle and he rolled over on his back.
"You don't deserve it tho " 

He let his head flop back and I rolled over  into his arm laying my head on his chest

I fit perfectly there my head like rolled into place.
He twirled my hair in his fingers. It was too long I needed it cut.
He didn't seem to mind though so.

We laid like that till I fell asleep and when I woke up I could hear everyone outside. They were so loud but I couldn't make out what everyone was saying.
When I sat up it was a lot dimer in the room.  I must have selpt a lot time.
My body felt tingly and I immediately realized I was alone. 
Things got really real then.  My feet started to curl and the sound of my clothes rubbing together was horid.  My jaw was clenched so tight it hurt. I found peeps jacket and searched his pockets seeing what I could find.
Lighters. So many lighters and werid half broke pills.
I don't know what they are if they are half broke guss.
Well fuck.
I shrugged and moved them around in my hand before shoving them all in my mouth. 

Fuck it

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Fuck it. It was only a few pieces and they were small whats the worse that could happen.
when I washed it down I laid down listening to buss vibrate from  the music in the front And the voices outside that seemed to be fading away the longer I laid there. 
And I laid  there for what seemed like forever. 
He left again.
This is shit.

as soon as I thought that thought he came in. He just kinda looked at me while I laid there
He probably thought I was asleep.

He's like a puppy

"Peep come lay "
His eyes seemed brighter when he came and laId  down. The smell of metal and weed hit me in the face when he flopped down on the bed
"You smell like metal "
We both laughed and I sighed

"Imagine if you sung metal " he just looked at me with a half smile.
Something's off he would have laughed.
Maybe it wasn't funny.
I ran my fingers through his hair and he sighed.
The usual ambulance sirens got closer and closer and in a mater of seconds it was next to the buss lighting up the whole buss
"Holy fuck "
Guss didn't seem fazed by the lights. It was like they weren't there.
They were normal at first but after a moment it was like a strobe like. My back got really cold and my head felt so heavy.
I held it together but I just could barely recognize what's going on

"What happened " I managed to get out two words and it was a relif and I felt better knowing I could still talk. My eyes felt so small. Guss didn't answer so I rubbed my eyes real hard and looked down at him

"Me and Alex talked "

So many things rushed through my head at once but the biggest thing I thought about was when gus knocked him out. He was so oblivious to what was going on back then. It was so scary.
all I could do was examine his face looking for cuts.
But he was perfect.

All his tattoos were intact and not one scratch was on him "Is he dead" He just looked at me while I stared back and that was the first time in along time my head was empty

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All his tattoos were intact and not one scratch was on him
"Is he dead"
He just looked at me while I stared back and that was the first time in along time my head was empty.

Gustav was ok.
I didn't care if Alex was ok.

"I don't think so "
He looked at my whole face
He was looking for something but I don't have anything to give him.
There's no tears or worry in my eyes

He sat up from my lap and faced me.


He rubbed his eyes and leaned on his elbow watching me

"Fuck em." I said it quick and he just watched me still

"Are you high"

I nodded and he sat up grabbing his jacket searching his own pockets
I let out a small "eh" and he looked at me

"That's what I took.." his nose wiggles and he sighed rubbing it after.

"I guess it's time to re up then. "

I crawled over to him wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning in his back.

"I'll go with you since I took the last of it , I'm sorry baby" I kissed behind his ear and he seemed to stare off.
Maybe I fucked up.

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