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The party started to die down but all I did was get drunker.
Dez isn't a good influence when it comes to drinking, if it was up to me we would only be smoking but my shot cup was never empty.
Peep has been texting me but I stoped looking a long time ago
Right now me and Dez are in the kitchen she is playing bartender while I sat on the counter behind her , at some point wiggy said I came to him looking for pants trying to take my skirt off. So thankfully he lended me some sweat pants.  I sat criss cross trying to split a cigarello watching people fall for Dez

"No no don't pour your own let me help what do you want " she slurs every word

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"No no don't pour your own let me help what do you want " she slurs every word. Practically spilling more alc. than making it in the cup "I don't think the bartender is suppose to be 4 bottles deep" I said playfully the people on the other side of the island  took their shot and walked of. She spun around with her hand on her hip and her lips pressed together with a straight face

"babe , your killing the customers vibe we won't get tips " she said it so seriously if She didn't slur it I woulda thought she was serious I just giggled and went back to my rello. At this point it's about 4 in the morning. Personally I'm so tired I don't wanna even walk back to the couch , Dez walked over and leaned on the counter

"you almost done rolling?" I huffed and looked around for the rest of the supplies.  She slide closer to me and looked up at me through her eyelashes

"has wiggy been drinking?" I thought about it I could barely see let alone think. "Fuck I don't know why " I forgot about wiggy. I'm so drunk I'm not sure if I should be worried or not.
I haven't even been paying attention but the blunt is rolled she sits up and try's her best lighting it

"just asking , come on " she starts to walk of so I slide of the counter fallowing her. The house is so messy I wonder if this really is his house. When I walked through the door frame I saw wiggy sitting where he has Ben all night talking to multiple people. He  happen to have an empty seat next to him so I took the chance and sat down his stare was broke from the table in front of him ignoring the two conversations he already had going about someone's music .
"Long time no see"
I just grinned up at him and swayed into him "wanna hit the blunt?" He smiled back and we passed the blunt to eachother
"Only if you hit mine"
I couldn't help but laugh. Everything is so funny and I'm getting so tired. He smiled and watched me just hangout for a second
"Are you going home tonight?"
I nodded "it's not far me and Dez walked here " he look turned concerning and he looked away thinking

 He smiled and watched me just hangout for a second "Are you going home tonight?" I nodded "it's not far me and Dez walked here " he look turned concerning and he looked away thinking

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"brina you're like ... fucked up  why don't you just stay?" After he said that it made me realize I was really fucked up. And I haven't been like this since I fucked with Diego.  I just nodded and sighed leaning against him closing my eyes "I'm sorry " he let out a light laugh and wrapped his arm around me and swayed slightly

"your ok, just don't want nothing bad to happen to you , if your tired you can go lay down in my bed everyone's leaving soon " he took a long hit of the blunt and looked around

"Dez can stay too ,wherever she is" my eyes oppend listening to him say that. I looked around seeing her already talking some guy up in the corner. Relif  went over me and he rubbed my arm
"want me to show you my room?" I looked up at him and sighed getting ready to move. My head is spinning. "Ya know , if I didn't know you I would think I was in danger right now " I let out  all that in one breath and smiled he just laughed

"I won't do nothing I promise "
and slowly stood up his hand reached out for mine and I took it my body was still swaying he lead me to the room that was locked and it was cold
My favorite
I flop on the bed and huffed out a long sigh.
"Holy fuck I didn't even know I needed this " he just laughed and turned on a light that was a nice red soft light

"ima lock the door till everyone leaves I lock the front door " I just hummed all ready drifting of before he came over and ran his fingers through my hair moving it out of my face he bent down getting rather close whispering
" bathrooms in the left corner" I reached out and grabbed his hand and felt his weight on the bed but it was so blurry. 
Kinda like a dream
I was out like a light.


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when I left Wiggy house I couldn't stop thinking about Her. I went and got food I stayed around that Area so if something happened I would be around the corner. I talked to so many fans I think someone said where I was on Twitter . I leaned and smoked against a pink house for hours. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Before I knew it it was 4am and It was cold as shit. Tracy is bitching his feet hurt and he wants to go to the buss. I huff and hop of the ledge I was sitting on and put out the small  blunt. I was smoking.
"Let's just go.."

this is ass

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this is ass. And I know it's my fault but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
When I got to the buss the  musics was Loud but I still went to the back and flopped on the bed. It smelt so much like her. I feel like such a douche. So many people want my attention and I want hers. This is the most gigs I've had ever. I'm at the peak of my career and im making these petty mistakes with someone who really fucks with me. Maybe it's the drugs saying all this. Because the buss feels like it's shaking and my face is so so hot. I guess I could find someone to sleep with.  To get all the pent up angry out. But fuck  it's not even worth it it right now.  I groan out of frustration and I sit up seeing someone's left a line on the table. It was probably brina. After all I'm alone who's going to tell me no. I go over to it and that's the last thing I remember. I wish I never did it.

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