
463 17 17

Sabrina's pov

The sound of voices woke me up
Everyday I wake up to the sound of music and shit from the front of the buss.
Plus The sides of my eyes hurt from the light that's coming in.
Guss hasn't slept with me in a few days.
I'm not really sure what's going on but I'm still here.
He just doesn't notice me.
And when he does he's angry.
When I roll over On my back I feel my arm connect to someone
When I look it's not peep.
her skin was at least 10 degrees colder than me
I forget she sneaks in sometimes.
Dez is on her stomach and her head is facing away from me.
When I sit up and examine her she shuffled moving her face over towards me subconsciously rubbing her face

"You awake.." I said it softly just Incase she wasn't but she reached out a arm patting around for me before opening one eye at the fail to find me.
"I was waiting on you" she looked up at me and then slowly stretched out all her arms fallowing behind a groan
"I have sum for you" she spoke again before sitting up with me
She had no shirt and just a bra  and underwear
I was still fully clothed from coming back late. She reached into the cup of her bra pulling out a small baggie

"Enough for me and you , we love breakfast bright and early " she giggled and I did  behind her while she shoveled her nail into the bag digging around

"I call dibs " I laid my head on her shoulder waiting for her to get enough to sit on her nail.
"Anything for sleeping beauty " we both laughed again and When she pulled her hand to my face I steadied it with mine before closing one nostril
The sound of it sounded innocent but my god it burns.
Especially in the morning.
I throw my had back and wiggle my nose around trying to get rid of the drip. 
"Fuuuck " I groan and Dez starts laughing while I jump up to get a water
"Don't be a babyyy " she mocked me before scooting herself to the edge of the bed taking her own hit and siting the baggie back in the cup of her bra. 

"So What's been going on?"
I let the water  bottle drop from my mouth and on the table while I  reached over my head stretching. 
"What do you mean?"
She watched my body move and bounced her eyes back to mine.
"I mean why are you slowing down?? Did something happen-... well I-" she relized what she said and the awkwardness set in
"Nah I just wanna slow down a bit, no reason.  "
She leaned back  on her hands looking at me again
"Is it peep." I stoped and looked at her different letting  her know she's taking it too far.

"Come here"
Her voice changed but I stood my ground and looked back  at her not moving.
Whats going on.
"Sabrina come here"
She said it more sternly and I slowly took a step closer to her. 
"Do you realize you slept in your shoes " she shoots her eyes down to my outfit.
When I look down too I realize all the dirt on them the suspicion left my tone
"Oh well yeah sorry . I got them dirty when-"
She cut me off tugging on my shirt
"When was the last time you showered ? "
She pushed her eyebrows together and I scoffed pushing her hand away
"Hey now , I feel  like I smell like roses " she laughed and pulled on my jacket pulling me closer to her
My shins clunked against the frame while she pushed some hair out of my face.
"Your fucking  up. "
She spit it practically trying to fix my dishoveld hair
"I love you, but you stink and your going to kill your self trying to keep up with him " she flopped her arms on her lap and I watched her try to find a face for that sentence
Is she serious ?

"This must be some good shit I mean I -" she cut me off again and grabbed the front of my shirt with both fist
"Sabrina , I'm not that high listen to me " she shook me a little and I looked at her more confused than before
"Are you picking at fight " I push my body a little closer to hers before wrapping my arms around her waist picking her up
She struggled and pulled away but not before I pulled her half away out of the room. Before  I knew it we both were full on wrestling over her not wanting to go to the bathroom and me pulling her to it anyways.
Eventually she had one arm on the frame and the other on the sink. 
It's such a small bathroom it's not hard to get to the shower
"You started this we could have been civil !" I shouted before reaching over turning on the water

"Brina please !" She half laughed and screamed before more people rushed to the back of the buss to see the commotion
Eventually I pulled her under the water with me and I slide down and sat with her siting between my legs
"Wow what a show" tracy laughed standing in the door way while fat nick walked up
"Oh hell yeah where the camera at shawtys  " he joked and everyone laughed
The laughter died down once peep pushed his way to see what was going on

"What the fuck is the hype"

He spit and it completely flipped the mood I felt Dez tense up and I reached up turning off the water pushing my wet hair away from my eyes
"Fuck off "
He looked at me and the tension was so thick it was hard to walk away

"Groupie bitches "

he mumbled and stumbled back before turning around
"Where's the fuckin camera for the attention whores "

he watched me waiting for a reaction. I let my face fall and I huff wiping my face  from the water
He eventually walked away and Dez sat up
"We are naked.." she looked down at herself and I pulled knees up a little  higher "you are , I'm not "
I corrected her even though she was trying to make me feel better.
"I'm sorry " I spoke again and she laid her chin on my knee
"Now you have to shower " a smile crept on her face and I smiled back before jumping at the sound of a door slamming.  I don't know why he's being such an ass.
Ever since he caught me he's been different
randomly sweet but one wrong move will trigger him.
Gus is so sweet it's not like him to be so aggressive.
The plastic on the buss rattled and I felt weight get off. Dez stands up walking over closing the door to the bathroom
And I listen to voices argue outside of the buss. when I stand up I strip out of my wet clothes
Dez is a big help
She keeps everything a neutral mood and if I'm not feeling she gets it.
We are not  dating ,
Not  even fucking right now.
She keeps things ok plus she calls me pretty.
When I got my bra off she walked back to the shower turning on the water after stripping herself
When she gets in she puts both hands on each sides of my face making me look at her

" he's a drunk dick right now , it's not your fault "
she said it sternly  before kissing my forehead and reaching for the shampoo. I leaned my body against the wall letting the water hit me watching her hum and just live. 

She just lives.
Weather things are bad or good she keeps going
With a purpose.
I take a deep breath and before I knew it she helped shampoo and conditioner my hair  when we got out we walked to the room in towels  just to find it completely trashed.
"Well fuck.." she mumbled and turned to see if anyone was on the buss.
But we were alone.
I groan walking in and grabbing some clothes before drying off.
My phones ringing and when I pick it up I have 6 missed called from Guss
He's texting me too.
—————————-hell boy🐤———————-


Shawty a hoe really

Lil peeeepw doesn't need no bixch
Do you know how much shit uh could od

I'm alone in a lonely worl m

Ima do another line first
Read 12:30 pm

His caller id pops  up again and I answer it

"You- you bitch you were fuckin,"

I hear comotion and he sounds like he's speaking through his teeth
"I was showering "

"Lil hoes goin catch sum and I put my mother fuckin dick in you I'm not catching shit!"

He spit and I could feel the bitterness through the phone
"Why are you being like this , I don't know who you are gus"
He scoffed at me

" I ain't gunna make it, But I love it when you fake it , your little heart in my hand and I might just break it "

He sang his lyrics angrily changing the end of the Verse before hanging up Dez sat on the bed watching me for a reaction.

What am I doing.
Why are things getting so bad so fast

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