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My lungs are sore from smoking and coughing. When I sit up my hairs on my face and I feel someone's warmth next to me. 
When I look over it's peep,
Dezz and Tracy are here too .
How did we all fit on this bed? Everyone is pretty comfortable.
I was wrapped in peeps arms and I didnt even realize. When I look down at him

His knees are pulled up and I sat in between him and a pillow

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His knees are pulled up and I sat in between him and a pillow. When I sniffle his eyes open and he smiled wrapping one arm around my waist.

"Your awakeee"

his voice sounded so raspy. But his eyes closed again. I pushed his hair out of his face and ran my fingers down his check "sleep more" he smiled and pulled on me a bit

"Lay back down with me "

I huff and do as he says and he pulls me closer being the big spoon
When I feel his chest against my back my shoulders drop and he nuzzles his face into the back of my hair
The buss is quiet again. 
Tracy is on the other side of the pillow with Dez in his arms.  Peep groaned and moved around causing me to wake up again. His Hand pulled up to my face and he patted my check


I didn't reply but I looked at him
His eyes were closed and he seemed peaceful

"Hey boo "

I let out a hmm and he pulled me closer into his chest

"What are we doing today "

I look at the ceiling and think

"Don't you have a concert ?" He took a deep breath and huffed before slideing his hand into my shirt.

"Your warm ,can we just stay here ?"

His hands were cold and I  feel his nails. 

"Your fans will miss you "
He mumbled and squeezed my boob and I shuffled because it sorta tickled.

"I will miss these. "

I just laughed and got more comfortable in his arms. 
His breathing was heavy and he seemed  so peaceful. His eyes open and they were puffy and red.

"Will you roll for me ?"

I just smiled and traced  his jaw
"Of course "
I sit up and crawl over him out of bed and he pulls a pillow into my spot.

When I walk to a small bench I see the weed and rellos.
Dez sits straight up and sniffles rubbing her face. 
"Fuck " she sorta scared me so I jumped
"You okay?" She looked over at me and seemed out of it

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