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Sabrina's p.o.v

I'm so fucking  high I'm not sure what's going on. 
Me and Dez became oddly close in About  4 hours.  She hasn't left my side ,and if she has she always finds me again some how.
Before we left she convinced me to smoke 3 blunts with her and then xan messaged me on Instagram.
I was late replying but he didn't seem to mind.


"Hey ma"

"Wanna matxh "

When I read it I know what he meant but I decided to fuck with him anyways

"Mtxh 🤔 I only MATCH with people."

He read it immediately almost. 

"Stop playin , wya? "

I just laugh under my breath

I send him the address and put my phone down and huff.
I feel almost like when I came down from almost killing myself on accident , I became someone different.
I have all this confidence I never had before. 
When I realize what I did  a ping of hurt comes.
Maybe guilt ?
Not sure but it doesn't feel nice. 
When I take a deep breath I mess with the camera a bit before I look around. 
Then I see him.
I wink enjoying the sight of him. 
Peep just smirked back at me putting the blunt in his mouth.
Is this some kind of game? He looked like he was about to stand up but someone caught me out of my stare.

"Hey boo " when I turn around I have to look up at who ever is talking.
Oh it's him
He opens his hands for a hug and I lean in not even really wanting it. 
"It's been a minute.  When's the show finna start ?"
I shrug and check the time
"30 minutes we have time " I grab his hand and start power walking.when I walk out of the room we start to walk around smoking.

"How come you arnt with peep

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"How come you arnt with peep . " he said it looking at me and then away when I looked up at him.
I shrug and take the blunt as he passed it
"He's doing his own thing. So am I. " he just nodded
when he walked me back to the stage he stoped me before I walked in
"Will I see you again?"
I shrug and make an x with my fingers 
"Maybe, if we match " I wink and giggle making fun of his earlier text misup.  He just watched and I turned around and walked off.
I have a show to record.
When I make it to the pit of the stage the crowd is so loud it's nerve racking. When I look up we make eye contact. He seemed sad. 
He put the mic to his mouth and talks to the crowd. 


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