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We went to Taco Bell and just talked.
He was pretty much into drugs and guns , doesn't have much personality.
He said he does a lot of xans , note the nick name.
We sat in his car in the parking lot while i had to turn my phone on do not disturb.
Peep wouldn't stop calling.

"How come your here with me?" The question Caught me off gaurd but I just shrug and take a drink of his lean before answering.
"Tour buss is stuffy , plus you're nice to talk to "
He just nodded and looked ahead
"You tryin to come back to my place ? Since the tour bus is ...stuffy " his hands slowly went up doing quotations
While I just smile.
"Why not. You said you'd take care of me " he nodded and smirked
"Of course I will ma " when we started driving he drove to a hotel like building. But very very fancy
When we walk in everyone stares for a moment before looking away when deigo noticed
"Where are we ?" When I looked around the gold trim was everywhere
"A hotel that wants me to shout them out but I'm not gunna "when we get in the elevator he pressed level 14
"Where are all your friends "

 But very very fancy When we walk in everyone stares for a moment before looking away when deigo noticed "Where are we ?" When I looked around the gold trim was everywhere "A hotel that wants me to shout them out but I'm not gunna "when we get in ...

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"There's not many but they are in the room"
I just nod while he sways
When we make it he took my hand walking into a room.
I didn't protest.
When we walk in it's a huge room. Almost like a condo.
There's trash and bottles everywhere along with little baggies of pills.
He pulled me to the couch and sat down pulling me onto his lap.
Oh fuck
"Don't freak your fine" he just put his hand on my back.
Not to low not to high.
"Relax ma you're fine I promise " I shuffle a little when I pull up my cAmera.  "Mind if I take a picture "
He looks  up at me and shook his head
"It would be my honor "
I just laugh and stand up from his lap and take a picture of his friend. When I come back and show them they both say dope.

Xan stood up and passed me the blunt

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Xan stood up and passed me the blunt.  I hit it and cringed at the tastes.
The taste of Tabbacco  and medicine dropped down my throat.
"Oh god "
I said it under my breath but xan was uncomfortablely close.
"There's a xan in it "
I hand it back to him and shake my head
"I don't smoke them " he looked at me like I was stupid
"Then take one. Xanarcy baby " he took my hand shoving one in my hand
" I don't think I should "
I suddenly feel a nauseous and when I look up at him

lil peep|| "𝕴𝖒 𝖆 𝖕𝖚𝖓𝖐 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗"Where stories live. Discover now