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Sabrina's pov

Gus smells like alcohol but I don't think he's drunk.  You never know now a days though. After laying for what seems like forever after I woke up, I finally open my eyes. he's laying on his back with me laying in his arm.
I push my self up leaning on my elbow examining his face. 
Peach fuzz ,
And dark circles.

He never seems to get much acne he's really lucky

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He never seems to get much acne he's really lucky.
When I sit up my stomach gurgles and I groan. 
That was horrible.
I'm not sure what's worse the charcol or the constant beeps.
I wipe my lips and look around for a drink
He brought a water with him so when I picked it up and took a huge swig  and bam.

High school shit ,In a fucking water bottle.
I spit it out just as fast as I took a drink and he jumped in his skin looking at me.

"I don't even think I should say sorry "

I shove the water bottle in his hand and stand up disconnecting from what he was saying

"Did you hear me ?"

I ripped the iv out and held my gown to it so it won't bleed. I wipe the old blood away and I walk into the bathroom

"Brina come on " 

I turn on the sink and cup my hand to get some water to drink.
"You're a asshole "
He walked into the bathroom with me and wrapped his arms around my waist while I wiped my face.

"I'm not drunk I promise "

he laid his head on the top of mine while I tried to wiggle him off.  while he stepped back I turned and looked at him examining his face.

"they didn't have anything else this is all I could bring "

I just scoff and push past him looking around the room
"Can we jut leave?"

This wasn't on purpose. 
I don't know exactly what happened but I remember looking at the lines I took. 
I didn't mean for  it to go this far.  I grab some clothes I See and slide them on. 
He comes out watching  me

"Dez brought them "

I smile and nod just trying to hurry.

"I don't know why no one stayed "

I didn't reply insted just grabbed my jewelry and went for the door.

"Brina come on "

when I got to the hall it felt like i was alone so I kept going. When I felt him beside me I sighed and patted my self for my phone "can I check myself out ?"
He nodded and I Walked into the elevator. When I pressed the bottom floor button it felt like forever to get the doors to close. His hand started at my shoulders and rubbed them up and down before moving his body behind mine

"I'm glad your ok. "

he rested his head on top of mine while I relaxed against his body. His hands moved closer to my waist and the door pinged. I took the chance and disconnected our selfs.
When I walked up to the counter I felt eyes on me but I couldn't see from where.  Peep was fiddling with his jacket pockets waiting for me to finish talking to the lady
"Sabrina , Diaz " she just nodded handing me a sheet to sign while I sat my phone on the counter
"Be safe dear "
I just nodded and turned around. "Ready?" Guss spoke before I could say anything I

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