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Sabrina's pov

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Sabrina's pov

It's been a few weeks now and I've been getting ready to pretty much go on tour with peep.
When I talked to Chris he said that if I ever wanted to get off the buss all I had to do was say something. 
So I did.
I asked him if he could get an air bnb for the first night or two . 
He agreed and told me not to mess this up.
How encouraging.
When I get all the equipment ready and set I walk out to an Uber waiting for me at the bottom of my stairs. 
My phone rings but my hands are so full I can't answer it.

"How are you today ?"
The guy driving doesn't bother to look back or help while I struggled to get my bag into the car because my bag around my arm kept  falling down.
Once I finally get settled ,I look at my phone to see two missed face times from Gus.
Why does he do this. 
I haven't answerd in weeks. 
I was pretty hurt over the whole
"I just wanted to fuck " thing. 
I've seen him at meetings and going to talk to Chris and Brynt.
When we talk things are ok. I just act like it didn't happen and he seems extremely sorry about it but still. 
I know i shouldn't have expected less because he's a 'punk star'.
And I'm the photographer.
I get pulled out of thought when the car comes to a stop and my door flings open
"Brina !"
When my arm gets pulled I fallow directions and get out of the car.
When Brynt pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around me he was speaking so fast I didn't relize he had started so when I listened  he was half way into explaining .

"I'll show you ya bunk, you can nap in it the first few days then sleep in once your ready
He nodded patting my arm.
"Does that sound good ?? "

I nodded and Chris walked past us obviously listening. " Just get all the pictures of peep in his natural form. The more fucked up  the better "
That was odd.
They left me standing there while someone walked up complaining to him and drug him away.

That's his management talking about him like that. 

'The more the fucked up  the better '

it kept replying in my head not sitting right.

When I turned around my stuff was just sitting in the place where the Uber was

Am I that oblivious to everything??

I shake it off walking back to my stuff picking it up and I walk towards the bus. 
If anything I'll see guss and see if he knows what bunk is mine.

When I get in a small girl comes around the corner and seemed so happy to see me I was excited for her.
She was my height with long stringy blonde hair.
Now that I think of it the complete opposite of me.
"Sabrina ! Your here, Oh my god I've been dyeing to meet you ".
She grabbed my free hand with two of hers and smiled at me pulling me up the stairs of the buss.
Walking past the boys each one seemed to be in their own version of fucked up. 
Tracy smacked the girls ass as we walked by and that's when I saw peep. 
He didn't see me right away. 
He looked nice.
When he did notice I just give him a small smile and move on listening to this small blonde talk to me. He seemed hurt because he just stood there and stared waiting for something else.
when I put my back to him  I felt him pout. 
"That's it doll face !" She slapped her hands together like she was ready for camp or something

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