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Gustavs p.o.v

It was like she was in a trance.

Who is this kid why is he so important to her.
I laid there with her asleep finally not vibrating from being so anxious I guess I'm not really sure.

She just laid in my arms and vibrated for the last hour.
She's really sleepy
In a deep sleep.
We laid in this position till she moved around and turned over. She's still in my arms just moved around. My phone was resting on my chest and i kept scrolling through my dms filled with fans trying to talk.

I talk  to them don't get me wrong but it's over whelming sometimes

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I talk to them don't get me wrong but it's over whelming sometimes.
When I locked it and let it flop on my chest she took a deep breath.

She keeps everything calm but not so calm it's scary

She's a nice level.
And I need it.
But at the end of the day my mind wonders back to that kid.
He seems to be at almost every show.
I can remember his face I don't care if I'm high.
My heart started to beat harder and then my phone was back in my hands.
This time I went to instagram and it was already opend to hers.

When I scrolled alll the way down I saw some old photos of her and friends.

and then it was her and her some girl in a picture captioned

"Dis my bitch "
There was thousands of comments but his always seemed to be at the top.
He was either telling her her hairs misplaced or "she could do better "
He had a good amount of fallowing and ...
Made music?

When I pressed his link it took me to sound cloud
I didn't bother listening but just scrolled through them.
I let my self zone out on my thumbs in my phone waiting for the next movement.

She's done all this for THIS kid ?
She built him.
He has no photos of himself other than the ones she took and he gives her NO credit.

I let out a huge huff and pull my body up snaking my arm back to myself.
Brina was practically cuddling it with her life line. When I did she let out a groan and caught my attention.
She sleeps really peacefully to be a paranoid creep. Her waist was exposed from her moveing around and when I sat my hand in her dip it made her look even smaller.
Made my hands look bigger.
She wAs warm.
Maybe I was colder than I thought bc she rolled on her stomach shoving her hands under the pillow.
She's out cold.
This is easy too easy.
When I stood up I grabbed my hoodie and started to leave and tracy FaceTimed me
I never ran so fast through a door way.

Proud I was slick as fuck she didn't even wake up.
When I made it to the front of the buss I answered and he is tweaking out on something

"Peep bro come to the crib I'm ov-stop! Its fucking Layla she won't leave " I can hear her struggling with Tracy calling him a piece of shit and all types of other shit

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"Peep bro come to the crib I'm ov-stop! Its fucking Layla she won't leave "
I can hear her struggling with Tracy calling him a piece of shit and all types of other shit.

"I' really not trying to bro ... just call the cops i don't know what to tell you "
He groans and camera is still flipping around till there's a loud thud of a door slamming shut.
"She's becoming too much " he sat on the couch visibly out of breath looking around.
I'm walking off the buss looking around not really bothered by her

"She was too much at the last show "

"Get rid of her peep "
and with that he hung up. I sighed pulling a rello packet out of my pockets
"Are you Guss ?"
My head shots up and looked in that direction but I couldn't see much because of the sun

"Yuh,, are you adam Sandler ?"

Alex walked closer to where I could see him and I raised an eyebrow while he just stared at me

"Definitely not " I took a step back but kinda stumbled
"I was just about to look for you , I know you're never far " he examined me before laughing at me

"Wheres Sabrina ? Nothings more pathetic than a junkie "
That was too far.
He doesn't know me.
I've given him so many chances

There was a odd pause before anyone said anything again.
The buss door flung open and my heart jumped in my throat scared it was brina.
When I looked it was Pouya so I took that opportunity to push him back from me

"fuck off before you get yourself hurt "
He laughed at me and things happened so fast I didn't have time to stop it.

I didn't wanna fight.

But next thing I knew I was being shoved against a wall and he was drowning in his own blood.
My head hurt so bad.
Everyone was so close to me they were all talking things just were over all happening so fast.
The sound of shoes scuffing on the concrete was so loud. All I couple see was Alex on the ground gripping his chest hard as fuck. He's practically beating himself in the chest and slowly everyone leaves me alone and go's to his side.
I haven't let my eyes leave him.
He has a busted lip. People's voices are over powering eachother

"He's choking "
"He broke his chest"
"He can't breath "
"Call 911"
My chest is still vibrating with how fast my heart is beating and then I realize Sabrina's not outside.
Everyone is outside but her.
So while everyone is fucking with Alex I slip away. I can hear the sirens getting closer and louder the closer I get to the back of the bus.
My elbows hurt.
My head hurts from Pouya practily slamming me into the wall

 My head hurts from Pouya practily slamming me into the wall

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She looks so peaceful.
I just stand in the door way and admire her rubbing my face trying to collect myself with everything that happened.

Her voice breaks through all the voices in my head and when I stop rubbing my eyes is almost like a fucking angel.
"Peep come lay "

She still sounds half asleep

"You smell like metal " she groaned a little while I crawled into the spot in front of her
When her eyes opened they were really red.

"Imagine if you sung metal " I was thrown of by that comment and laughed a little while she pushes some of my hair out of my face

"Where did you go I missed ya "

The sirens pull up practically next to her window and she started to get more concerned
"Holy fuck "
The sound rang through the bus it was almost deafening.
They get cut of almost by a switch and she was sat fully up by then.

"What happened?" I shrug my shoulders and a lay my head in her lap letting out a deep breath.
This is a lot.
What if she's mad.
She let her nails run through my hair like the abulance lights WERNT lighting up my room.
She's nice.
Too nice for me.
"Did something happen ?" She asked again and pulled my lip into my mouth biting it.

"Alex and me talked. "
I tried to say it as calmly and jokingly as I could so she didn't think anything happened but it was kinda hard.

"Is he dead."

She almost cut me off with how fast she spoke.
I rolled over and looked up at her while she looked at me with this blank stare.

"I don't think so."


My bad b lots of shit has been going on but I swear this story is continuing

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