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Sabrina's pov

My eyes feel like they are slowly drooping down my cheeks

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My eyes feel like they are slowly drooping down my cheeks. 
I haven't stoped crying for longer than 5 minutes. Bexey fell asleep in a hospital chair and dez is watching me pace back and forth in the waiting room.
I haven't been back becuse im not family but I get it , I would wait forever.

" You're moving so much it's considered exercise , have you ate?"
I don't respond right away finishing a thought in my head.
" no not yet "
She stood up stretching and flopping her arms on my shoulders
"Mmm lets go " she leads me to some vending machines and I try to turn back. " Wait they might cal-"
She cut me off and turned me back around
"Babe it's been hours you arnt gunna miss him "
I walk with her and suck on my teeth
"I'm not hungry" I wrap my arms around my self like a toddler throwing a tantrum and she huffed and lets me go
As I walk back to the waiting area a lady comes out with some paper. 

"Sabrina Diaz ?" She said it as a question and I practically trip over my own feet running up to her
"Gustav asked to see you ? He won't let his family inside "
I knitted my eyebrows together trying to think why me than his family.

"He got violent and wouldn't stop asking for you think you could try to get him to calm down ?"

Why is he upset
Walking up to the room a older lady is standing at the door with her ear pressed against it crying.
Her glasses are so foggy from crying she probably doesn't see me.
The doctor pulled her back rubbing her shoulders and another one opens the door for me.
All I can do is look around confused.
Guss never introduced me to his mom so I'm going to assume that was her. When I walk into the room his back is turned towards the door.

"I  said no one fucking come in. "

he sounds so hurt.
I let the door close automatically behind me and my stomach jumped into my throat from seeing his back move.
I stood for a moment watching him breath.
It was nice to know he's alive.

"Guss?.." I was so nervous. I don't know why but it took everything in me to take a step. when he heard me he turned over  sitting up. he was slumped. He looks so pale and he's full of wires and tears.

"When can I leave.."

he sounds like a kid who just witnessed something horrible.
He sat up fully choking on his own words , but I couldn't make out what he said. when I walk up to the bed he broke down harder.
I've never seen him like this.
I moved some things to the side and sat on the bed facing him laying my hand on his leg.
He was trying to speak but he couldn't catch up.
I push some hair out of his face and push him back to where his laying down on his back.
"Breath mi amor "
When he laid back and laid next to him on my side. He cried so hard his Eyes were barely open.  His body slowly curled back up into a ball laying on his side, his head pressed against my chest.
I leaned on my hand and ran my fingers through his hair as he stuffed his face into my shirt
"I'm so sorry "
I took a deep breath and rubbed his back soothingly  and after a while  he calmed down

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