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Sabrina's p

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Sabrina's p.o.v
When I stand up I have a XL xxx hoodie shirt type thingy. Not going to lie I'm not sure where I got it. I walk alll the way to the front of the buss and knock gently on the slideing glass that separates us from the driver
He opens it and smiles

"How can I help you lil lady "

I smile back and lean my head On my hands
"Good morning beck , how far are we from the destination? "

He shrugged and hummed to himself for  a moment.
"Maybe a hour in a half, little longer " I nod
"Thank you !" I sit up and spin on my heals looking around.
There's body's spread out everywhere. When I look at the table it's so coverd you can barely see the surface.
There's multiple credit cards and lines of coke everywhere. When I look alittle closer I can see two xans and a cup of promethozine.
I pop them in my mouth and wash it down. I shrug my shoulders and sit the cup down before walking to the back part of the buss. When I see peep he's curled up with some Pokémon cards in his hand.

When I walk over I get down on my knees and push his hair out of his face

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When I walk over I get down on my knees and push his hair out of his face

"Baby "

His doesn't respond right away so I run my hand up his neck to his jaw

"Hell boy " I said it and shook him gently and his eyes flutter open and he smiled at me rolling over slowly

"Come lay with me "
He sits up at the request and rubs his eyes with the palm of his hand. He pulls his jacket over his head and off  and stretches groaning while walking back  with me to my bunk. The more awake he got the more aware he was of my lack of clothes. When we crawled in he layed on his back and I layed in his arms next to him at first

"How did you sleep?"

His voice was raspy like the other morning and I sit up slightly looking up at him he is looking down my body.

"Good, very good "

He nods down at me and I run my hand that was laying on hiss chest down his stomach. He his smile turned into a confused look once my hands slide into his his pants.
His morning wood was raging so hard he couldn't help but shiver at the slight touch.

"You're like my own personal drug "

He rushed out the sentence before grabbing a fist full of my hair and pulling me into a kiss.
I continued palming him for just a little longer before scooting myself down his body after he left his grip lets go.  He pushes my pillow up alittle  higher looking down at me with his mouth  hung open.
The lower I get the more I let my back arch so that my head is right next to his tent.

"Did you know that ?"

His voice sliced through the sexual tension and I nod tugging on his boxers , his pants were already pretty low. He helped me pull his length out and it reached up my face. I didn't relize how big it really was. Pre cum is slowly dripping down his shaft and take my thum and rub it back up to the tip and fallow the trail with my tongue.
His eyebrows jumped the faster I got to the tip.  and he let out a breathy moan.
Before I knew it his hands were on the back of my head shoving my face down on him. My eyes water and I hummed against him whimpering.
I don't have a gag reflex but fuck ,I need air.
He lets go every so often and let's me come up and tells me how pretty I am before shoveling me back down.
After a while he twitched and he looked panicked. I pulled back fast taking a fast breath before taking in as much as I could. He whimpers and his legs jumped when he gripes the sheets.

"F-fuck slow down I'm going t-"

he was cut of by me whimpering pretty loud from him shooting his load into my throat.
His eyes rolled in the back of his head and he lets out a throaty moan.
He lets go of my hair and I pull away swallowing before it spills out of my mouth.  He pants looking at me shocked and i smile coming back up nuzzling into him getting comfy.
He runs his hands down my back lovingly while he caught his breath.
I feel so small when I'm around him.

"Did I do something?"

I shake my head no
"Did you not want that?"
He put his hands up in defense

"No no no , I haven't got head like that in a minute"

I laugh a little  and lay my head back down
"Just sleep a little longer "
I feel his body relax and get take a deep breath before tuning over towards me forcing me to turn my head for air. He relaxed and drifted off and eventually I did too. Not sure how we both fit in this bunk but oh well I guess it worked.  I'm not sure why I did that. 
It just kinda happend. 
I could feel my heart speed up
It woke me up.
Oh fuck
I layed with guss as long as I could and then the buss stoped. It was then when I realized my breathing is uneasy
I think I scared myself.
Your fine. 
Everything's fine.
I flip around where my face is stuffed into peeps shirt and try to regulate my  breathing. 
Maybe drugs arnt for me.
Guss groans and rubs my back in his sleep.
We lay like this for a few more minutes but I was wide awake .  When I look at the wood of the bunk I can see every paint brush stroke almost.  I hear Tracy's speaker start up and a beep.
"Connected "

It was so loud it made me jump. Guss shuffles stretching and huffing. 
I sit up almost immediately .
Fuck I have to pee.
But I also have to get ready.
I have so much to do.
I'm zoning out on what I THIK I have to do but all I really need to do is get ready for the show.  He has another one today and it's pretty early. He rubs his hand up and down my back laying with his eyes closed

"You okay?"

I stay silent. I know I heard him but there's so many other thoughts rushing through my head.
His hand stops and he shuffles

"Brina ?"

The nick name threw me off and I came back.
And looked back at him
"I think I took something "

There was silence but you could hear everyone starting to wake up. 
Tracy's music plays on the speaker very low and slowly turns up just a little. Not too loud yet.

"What? When?"
He sat up with me and took my face in his hands moving it towards him

"When I woke you up.  I found xans on the table "
He looked  at my face almost like he was trying to read me. 

"The table in the front of the buss ?"
I jus nod and his eyes looked worried

"What color "

When I  think back it , it was like pushing through millions of pages trying to find a certain word.
"White..they had to be white ". My voice trails off and I look down now scared i can't remember
"I-I can't remember...I don't think so? ....."
It was almost  as if someone sucked all my surroundings out , and left me all alone In a white room. 
My head felt like static and my back felt so heavy all I could do is lay back. 
I hear peeps voice but I'm not sure what he's saying. 
everything is so muffled it's like I'm under water.  My arms feel like they are floating. This is horrible. 
The last thing I remember his hearing peeps voice. 
He sounded worried. 


Don't be afraid  to correct me on spelling!!
I'm fully open to hear opinions and feed back! :))

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