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After Tracy tweaked out over losing his lighter we smoked and the boys did their own  things.
Gus mostly just hummed and sang along here  and there.
asked some questions every so often. 
Things were simple,
They weren't force in anyway. 
He seemed to be content as long as my leg was touching his. 
I know I told him I had a boyfriend.
Why is he still doing all this. 
I definitely don't have a boyfriend by the way. Alex was the only boy I've been with and with the way things went down , he went bat shit crazy. 
When I first met him he wasn't bad. 
He was really sweet till he got comfortable with me
It started with
"You would look better if you shaped up." 
"I don't like girls with tattoos "
I know now that's not ok. But back then I didn't know.  I just thought it was him telling me his opinion like he said. 
He wasn't wrong.
It's Just not ok.
I shake the thought of him of when he knocks his knee into mine.

"Sorry "

When I look up from my phone he looks down at me.

"I thought you were farther than you were "

I just let out a small laugh and he laughed with me. 
"Your fine I promise " 

When I looked ahead I see tracy looking back at us.
He doesn't notice me looking for a moment but when he  does he just nods and smiles at me in Agreemnt ?

I do the same.

Not really sure what that was about.  But we pull up to all another little condo but it was alittle more modern.  When we get out you can already hear the music.
Gus walks up to horse head talkin to him so I look down at my phone getting out and leaning against the car

INSTAGRAM:TOOPOOR and 124 others fallowed you

Tracy pulled you out of your thought as soon as you saw the notification gently putting his hand on your arm.
"You change him ".
There was a pause because I was scared this was negative.
"Who ?"
Tracy looks over at peep interacting with random people and looks back at me.
"He seems just a little happier"
I don't know what to say so I just smile and nod and he does the same and walks away. 

That was very opposite of what I was expecting. 
Looking back at my phone I see the notifications but once again a hand was on my arm.
This time it was gus.

"I got the keyssss "
He waves them above his head

"Ima drive the  boat "

Seconds after saying that
Horsehead pokes his head out the window

"Sabrina's driven the boat "

Peep pouts his lip and gently puts them in the car and moves over.
I adjusted the seat and fix my mirrors just a little and start it up and drive to to main road
Peep takes the aux cord and plugs it into his beaten up phone and turns on his most recent music.
" where are we going ?"

"Hold on "

His words were gentle  and really soft.
I could barely hear him.
Siri comes through the aux telling me directions

"So Brynt helped me "
When I stoped at a red light I looked over at him and leaned over in my seat , his voice was louder than before.


"Where you were "

There was a long  pause before he spoke again.

"That's how I found you earlier."

The light turns green and I turn my attention back to the road
"How come you came over to the rescue  ?"
He pulled a joint out From the dash and lights it blowing the smoke out the window

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