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Peeps pov

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Peeps pov

When I took that line apparently it hit something different in me. Tracy was trying so hard to get me to calm down but I started to trash the buss. Even love heart tried to get me to calm down but I just wanted everyone out. I played music all night wouldn't let anyone in. I just don't ever remember sitting down I was moving so ugh.  It went on for hours. Long enough for someone to call Sabrina but I don't think she came till she woke up. When I did finally sit down The sun had came up and the music still isn't any lower. I took a few more lines. My tunnel vision was serious and the more I moved the worse it got. But I didn't care I needed to get this feeling out the drugs arnt working I don't wanna fuck a bitch I wanna fuck HER.
I was moving through the whole buss. Doing absolutely nothing but fucking around. I was blacking in and out going though the files in my own head.
God there's a lot.
I went to the back of the bus flopping in the bed inhaling alll of her.
God she's more addicting that this shit running through me. Music blaring so hard I can feel my chest  vibrate before I knew it my head was zoned out then possibly asleep. Maybe passed out.

Sabrinas POV

When I woke up it was about 12pm I was tangled in the sheets with Nate. And only had my underwear on. When I sat up my head felt like it lagged behind me. I rubbed my face letting out a soft groan before I pushed the sheet off. Wiggy rolled to the wall in his sleep and i let my legs hang of the side. My phone vibrated on the floor next to the bed  lighting up. I looked down at it debating on if I want to deal with it yet.
Phone call after phone call got out of hand after I was just trying to sit there and collect myself just for a second.
I had just woken up after all.
But it kept ringing.
I huffed and bent down to pick it whoever  was calling but... it was tracy?
He never calls me. Only when somethings wrong or peeps looking for me. .
When I picked it up he started talking before I said anything "when  are you come back to the buss , where is Dez, peep is freaking out,get back to the buss ASAP " and before I new it he hung up.
I sat there staring.
It's quiet.
it's rarely this quiet in my head.

I looked back at wiggy with his head under a pillow. Probably trying to hide from my phone ringing.
"I can feel you staring "

 "I can feel you staring "

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