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Sabrina's POV ,

" If I'm being honest I'm not trying to wear heels "
Standing in front of her in one place is hard enough. I mean... I can do it I'm
Just already annoyed with them.

"Come on you look hot "
She walked up to me and adjusted my dress pulling it up while I pulled it back down in back. 
"Can I wear a skirt  that is a in between " she takes a step back and huffs

"fine lemme see "
I slide the heels off and reach for my phone on the counter.
As soon as I pick it up it's a ft call,
I slide the answer button and sit the phone back  down.

"He-where are you?"

I peek into view and pull my hair into a bun.
"With Dez what's up?"
He seemed confused more than anything.

"Did you leave the bus?"
I turn around to make sure just a white wall was behind me before I picked up the phone. 
"Yeah like early as fuckkk "
He pulled a blunt to his mouth before pushing his eyebrows together.

"Where are you? "

I huffed and looked around "what do you want ?" I said it annoyed and he seemed hurt
For the first time in a long time.
We just kinda stared at eachother  for a moment before he huffed and leaned back in whatever he's sitting in.

"just wanted to see what's up "

I just nod and look at Dez for help
She catches up and knocked on the open  bathroom door loudly.

Her scream scared me and peep made a face as if he's never hears her big mouth.

"i gotta go" I hung up and she started laughing while I did too.
When I walked into the bathroom I slide on a skirt with a lose tank top crop."much more comfortable " she laughed and pulled my skirt up

"your ass looks good "
When I walk out I notice its already night time. 
"are you almost ready "
When she walked out we almost matched. She ran over and grabbed the bag of weed and shoved it into her bag

"now I am " I smile and walk with her out the door. The party was at the top of a building I recognize. 
Looking  around for peep is anxious I hate it and when we walked into the elevator Dez turned to me

" are you 'taking it easy ' tonight ?" Her question Threw  me off so when I looked at her she answered my unspoken questions.

"Well I'm just saying you've been quite a pussy lately " she said it with half sarcasm and half not
I scoff and watch the numbers jump floor to floor.
"It's not like I just got out the hospital or anything " I joked and we both laughed.
When the doors open  people were already hanging out in the halls, she hummed while we walked up to the room. As I'm walking with her 
Something tells me to look behind me, so when I do I see him.
He's leaned against one of the door ways  I passed
I didn't even see him
I'm not scared of peep.
He showed me not to be scared of anyone
But this game is getting intense and intriguing fast.
When I turned back around Dez kept walking and walked straight into the room.
The door didn't open much and when we walked in it was shoulder to shoulder to everyone. Looking up I make eye contact with wiggy and immediately make my way towards him
His face lit up while i got closer to him
"About time " his hand wrapped around my wrist while I steps over someone's body as they stared at a carpet.
Tripping I'm assuming.
He watched  me  when I sat next to him
"This is a lot of people " he looked up at the crowd and smirked

"I know I called the cops " The shocking look  took over my face while I looked around for Dez "Don't worry they know me they are just here to kill it a little  " he reached out for a lighter from a friend and puffed it getting it lit "I think som...

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"I know I called the cops "
The shocking look  took over my face while I looked around for Dez
"Don't worry they know me they are just here to kill it a little " he reached out for a lighter from a friend and puffed it getting it lit "I think someone leaked the address " 
As soon as the sentence left his mouth the noise in the room went silent and then you hear a new voice  "alright let's go get moving " people start disappearing and Dez shoved her way through the crowd sitting next to me nervous she grabbed my upper arm and leaned in to talk to me softly

"I have the weed " I just smile and pat her leg and she seemed just as confused as I was when I heard the plan.

Once everyone's out a officer comes in "we found him in the hall he says he knows you" when he moved out of the way peep stood in the door way

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Once everyone's out a officer comes in "we found him in the hall he says he knows you" when he moved out of the way peep stood in the door way. The tension was so thick and the silence was so long it was scary. I looked away from him while wiggy just nodded.
They all left and peep came and sat in the chair infront of us. The people in the back rooms didn't get shooed out so they spread out filling the house properly

"so this is where you were brina "

I huffed getting annoyed
"I know ALEX , if you wanted to know you should have just asked " I stood up and went to walk off. the insult of calling him Alex must of hit a nerve I never hit before because he scoffed gettin frustrated and stood up rather fast as soon as I walked past him.
The fast movement scared me so I obviously speed up my walking trying to get out of harms way. 
Wiggy stood up and the room grew quite while they just kinda stared at him

"You seriously think I'm going to hit her ?"

Wiggy scoffed and shook his head
"You'd be stupid to do it infront of everyone "
Peep steadied his stance and took a step forward

"whatever you're trying to say, say it with your chest "

Wiggy took the command and shook his head walking around the coffee table separating them
"Get out " they would have touched eachother if one of them moved slightly. Insted peep turned around and left without a word. He walked past me brushing against me slightly.
My chest was tight and my back felt like icey hot.
"H-he would never put his hands on me." I practically blurted it out. Wiggy moved his head over to me and sighed wrapping his hand around mine guiding me to the bathroom.
When he closed the door behind him the feeling of being shut off from everyone else soothed me. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my own hair to calm myself down
"I don't think he hurts you." He crossed his arms looking down at his feet " he was being a prick and honesty , right then I thought he was going to " I sighed and leaned against the bathroom counter with him.
"I get it , he scared me too but he would never hurt me " the silence hurt so I tried to l lighten up the mood
"Emotionally maybe , but never physically" he chucked and I smiled
He reached over and grabbed a paper towel and handed it me "your makeup " I twisted my body to look at myself in the mirror, it ran but but not much. I fixed it rather fast and turned back around.
He looks at me and reached up to my cheek wiping it some
"You're hands are cold " his eyes moved from my cheek to mine and his hands immediately cup my face.
I made a face and laugh at the coldness reaching for his wrist to pull him off
His grip was tight and his arms didn't move we both laughed before he let go and sighed "ready to head back out?" I looked up at him and let my shoulders drop and nodded while he opened the door for me. When I came out everyone seem to have forgotten the entire thing but Dez. She was right by the door waiting and she left out a sigh.
"First time you didn't take me to the bathroom with you ... totally felt wierd " she laughs and so did I or at least I tried. Wiggy walked back to his seat and Dez didn't let her eyes of him
"So..." her voice was hushed while she leaned closer to me
"Did you fuck him?" My face heated up and I just chucked
"God no...not yet " she smirked and playfully smacked my arm

[heyyy should I continue this or end it I'm conflicted:/ no comments I'll probably end it

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