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Sabrina pov

When I start to fallow my phone rings and I pull it out from  under my rello packet in my hand.
I answer immediately and put it to my head.

"I want all my shit back"

"Hello-wha? Who is this "

"Wow you don't even have my number saved. How pathetic, it's Alex I want all my shit back since you're being a slut "

he said everything so fast I stoped walking. When I look at the phone is it said Alex.

"Ok fine I'll let you know when I'm home "

"I already know when you'll be home"

The diel tone rang through my ears and Gus stoped walking looking back at me.

"Catch up b "

When he pulled me out of my thoughts I locked my phone almost running up to him. He wraps his arm around me and we walk together to a small club looking building.
Fuck that  was odd .

When we walk in it's much hotter and crowded than I expected, and really it looks like a house.  Gus ran his arm down mine once we started to get separated he held my hand tight.
once we made  it to the kitchen ,he takes his jacket of throwing it on the counter and talking to someone.
Dez walked up to me and tugged on my arm like a little kid
"Brina ! " She seemed so happy to see me it made me happy.
"Wanna hangout?"
She tugged on my shirt and leaned into me
A little while talking .
When I look her up and down I relize how intoxicated she is.
Wait is she hitting on me ?
She can barely stand up.

"You okay?"
She just nodded wrapping her arm around mine like we were taking prom pictures.
"Yes , yes I'm ok. Are you?"
I just nod and laugh down at her
"What have you drank?" She shrugged leaning her head on my shoulder closing her eyes.
"All I can remember is four shots " her grip gets tighter when she starts to fall and I hold her up a little. Once she collects her self she leans her body into mine so close I can smell tequila on her.
"You know ,you're really pretty " before I knew it I was leaning against the wall with some tiny blonde trying to fuck with me. She was cute don't get me wrong, but she's she's so drunk I don't think she knows her own name. I hold her by both her arms and get real close to her ear
"Come over when your sober , for now go fuck with  Tracy " I turn her around and gently push her towards Tracy talking to peep. She just giggled and her whole face turned red as she fell into  his arms. Because he was busy talking to peep he didn't pay her much attention but he still held her close.
When I walk over the the counter I grab the vodka pouring about a shot, maybe
A little more with about a shot of fruit punch. 
When I walk to peep he noticed me and leaned his arm on my shoulder still talking
When I look around I notice all the people.
Then Diego.
He was looking at me but quickly moved his head back to his conversation. His stacked up styrofoam cups were in his hand and the other in his pocket.
Some girl walks up to peep and offers him a drink
He almost takes it and Tracy awkwardly cleared his throat.
It was almost like they were talking  to eachother through their eyes. He handed it
Back  to her and shook his head
"She will get me a drink" he motioned me and I moved a little
Tracy is starring at me really scared like.
Lowkey its making me uncomfortable, But once things click I smile and hand him mine "Wanna drink?" He smiled taking it from me and the girl huffs  walking away.
Tracy smacked peeps arm pretty hard  making my cup shake. 
"Are you dumb, what's the rule. "
peep flinched and took a sip of mine while it splashed in the cup  before answering
"Don't take shit from strangers." He said it like a annoyed little kid.
Tracy nods and looks down at Dez rubbing her back. She's leaned against him practically asleep. I just laugh and Diego walked up to me. Peeps arm was no longer attached to me and I turned to him
"You Found me " he nodded when I spoke and smiled

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