Offenderman *EDITED*

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To put it in a colloquial and academic terms you are cynical, deranged and any other negative connotations that fall into that category. To put into more lament terms you are a sicko who needs to be put in a white room with a straight jacket. You are in love with someone or even something if you dare say it who is not only a sexual predator and murderer; He is also the suave, manipulative, perverted Offenderman or smexy as he so loves to put it. You're in love with the most singularly perverted person in existence. He's worse than Ben and Jeff together considerably. You felt like banging your head or forcing Dr.Smiley to perform a craniotomy to figure out at the moment what was wrong with you or to figure out if you were blessed, cursed or both at this very moment. You are blessed because you are in the same mansion at the same time as Offenderman. You are cursed because you are impossibly all alone with him in the mansion. You don't know where everyone else is at, Usually Slenderman would be home, but surprisingly he's not, he's probably patrolling the forest to kill some time instead of reading a nature book in his studies. Deciding to kill some time yourself you plopped yourself on the couch to listen to music trying in vain to ignore the fact that you're alone with him. It's not a bad thing, your heart was hammering so hard blood was thumping in your eardrums, however you just don't want to be a play thing. He has a very flirtatious attitude and he kills women after seducing or having sex with them. You don't want to be one of those women minus the being killed part. You want a relationship, a real authentic egalitarian one that has compromise, you know when you do things together you know it's 50/50.
You were too caught up in your musings that you failed to notice Offendy standing there with a rose in his hand. You felt a looming presence so you looked up to see him looking down at you a bit bashfully? Since when does the pompous, conceited Offenderman get bashful about anything he does?

"Hey Y/N" You looked at him a bit strangely, he didn't call you a pet name or sexy which he normally does

"Hey offender" There was a a tense silence until he pushed the red rose towards you with a dust of pink spread across his face thoroughly surprising you.

"Here,uh this is for you." You accepted it and he shuffled side to side nervously which is strange for him. "Hey Y/N can I sit next to you and talk?" You nodded slowly watching him as he sat on the cushion next to you. You found it bewildering because usually he doesn't ask he just do things."Ummm, please just here me out, please?" He looked at you as you nodded feeling butterflies in your stomach. What was going on? "Please Y/N when I say this I mean the 100% honest truth... I love you and I mean I really really love you Y/N. This is not lust, I do not want you for your body. I want you for you. I love your personality, the way you dress, the fact that you don't mind the way I am and everything about you is just perfect. I will kill for you and I will die for you. Please Y/N I am telling you the truth. I am begging for you to believe me. Please, I love you." By this time he was kneeling in front of you holding your hands. You couldn't believe it, he just spilled his heart out to you, your crush. You wanted to believe him and you almost do but you want to prove one thing. You didn't want to be one of those woman that he grabs their butt first and kiss their neck.

"If you truly love me, you would kiss me." He looked at you getting up off the floor and pulling you in by your waist gently. He took a breath before he slowly he leaned towards you. As his lips touched yours your eyes closed involuntarily. The kiss wasn't rough or needy it was gentle and soft something he wasn't. He moved his hands placing one behind your neck deepening the kiss as his other hand grabbed your hand in a gentle hold. He licked your bottom lip and you granted him entrance as he slowly licked the inside of your mouth memorizing it with his tongue. You both let go and you was blushing as he smiled at you.

"I told you Y/N, I love you and I would be the happiest guy alive if you would be my girlfriend." You were so happy that you squeaked and you nodded your head up and down. He smiled and laughed joyfully as he hugged you tighter against him.
edited 12/7/18

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now