Happy Appy

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  A/N: He is in human form, unless you like him as a talking, murderous apple
"Why Zalgo? Why in the hell do I have a crush on him?! Of all the damn people in this mansion!" You was busy having a mini rant to yourself in your humble abode a.k.a your room. You have finally come to terms that you have the world's biggest crush on Happy. You have know for a while but it was today that you finally have come to terms with it and accepted the fact that you liked him. That still doesn't help with the fact that you like someone who will not like you back. Like really? Why would he like you of all people? You don't think he likes you anyway, he's always so mean to you. You remember one time he made you cry and it wasn't even nothing that serious to cry over, you was just really stressed that day
You felt an oncoming migraine set in, from the amount of stress that you was under. First of all last night you couldn't fall asleep due to being plagued by nightmares and you was woken up in a non pleasant way. You are usually not bothered when Sally woke you up, because you find it adorable but this morning you didn't appreciate it very much. When she jumped up and down on your bed making it creak, you sat up and groaned not in the best of moods. You glared at her and she noticed your very different attitude
"Y/N? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She tilted her head to the side and she acted so much and looked so much like an 8 year old that you forget that she's closer to 20 years old than anything.
"I hardly slept last night." She nodded her head but her smile returned full force
"No worries! I'll make sure that you have a nice breakfast to wake you right up!" You grumbled but decided to amuse the child. You got up and showered, brushed your teeth and did your business. You came out of your room in a tank top and shorts. You walked out and bumped into some of the inhabitants sending you into the walls and tripping. You growled lowly in your throat. You got into the dining room and instantly had to duck to avoid getting hit with a fork. You looked to the left to see Jeff trying to get across the table to Ben but both Jacks were holding him back. You rolled your eyes as you took a seat and a plate was set in front of you. Everyone was screaming and you caught a migraine from all the yelling. You began to angrily eat your breakfast when Happy sat next to you and looked at you
"Slow the fuck down, you fat bitch, it's not going anywhere." You stopped eating as you stared at him and you felt angry tears prickle at the back of your eyes.
"What you said?" He rolled his eyes at you
"Are you deaf? I didn't stutter either so you heard me." You just snapped and yelled
"I'M NOT A FAT BITCH, YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!" You yelled out obscenities as you slammed his head onto the table and started stabbing him with the forks leaving them in him. You sniffed and wiped your eyes as he looked up at you and his eyes widen slightly as you turned and made your leave leaving everyone in a stupor."
*End Flashback*

He did come back to your room and apologized which was a complete surprise because he never apologizes
"Damn tsundere."
"Who's a tsundere?" You shrieked as you turned around and saw the guy who's been clouding your thoughts staring at you with a light smirk.
"When did you get in here?!" He smirked bigger
"Ever since you got up off the bed and started wearing a hole in the floor muttering to yourself." You blushed as you smiled sheepishly "Now who's a tsundere?" You gave him a wide-eyed look before chuckling nervously
"N-No one." Damn you to hell stutter. He shook his head as he took two strides and was in front of you in your personal space.
"Stop lying to me, now tell me who was it?" You gulped as his face was really close to yours
"F-fine! It was you okay! I have a crush on you, you damn tsundere! I don't know why, you're always so mean to me and I know you don't like me! But- mmph!" You was cut off as he placed his lips on yours and you froze for a few seconds before kissing him back. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist.
"I'm only mean to you, because I don't know how else to be kind. I don't know how at all." Your eyes widen in shock. He liked you?
"You're not lying?" He pulled away and looked at you in his eyes with a small smile
"I promise you that I'm not. But can you please teach me to be a little nicer, at least to you?" You looked and saw sincerity in his eyes.
"You can start by giving me hugs and kisses." He smiled as he got closer to your face
"I can do that." He then kissed you and you couldn't be any happier
Awww, he has a soft spot for you~ 

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now