Slater Estates

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  You took cover by the sand walls that were by the mansion as another explosion rocked the earth around you. It's a good thing you listened to Slendy to wear a helmet because who knows what Slater will do. He was right.
"WOOOOOHHHHH DID YOU SEE THAT Y/N?!!" You looked from the cover of your helmet at Slater who was jumping up and down like a little kid. You looked over the mini sand wall at what he blew up this time. He blew up a deer like the psycho he was and even though the explosion wasn't as big as he usually makes them, it still did the trick. The deer was charred black on the outside that you're pretty sure it's cooked on the inside.
"I saw it alright. More like felt it..." Slater either chose to ignore that statement or he really didn't hear you
"LOOK WHAT IT DID TO THAT DEER!!" You took one more look at the deer before fixing a look on Slater
"Anyone in the mood for charred venison?" You deadpanned and he just rolled his eyes at you and grabbed you by your hand pulling you up with no effort at all.
"I will never understand how you are so strong but yet skinny." He glared at you a little
"It's called exercise and working out, you should try it, it'll make you stronger." You looked at him incredulously
"What's exercise? That's not in my vocabulary." He huffed as he began dragging you back inside the mansion "Wait? What about the deer?" He looked at you over his shoulder
"Don't worry either Rake or Seedeater will get it."
"I doubt tha-" You cut yourself off as you turned around and saw the deer being dragged into the woods by something "Well then I stand corrected."
"Told you." He walked inside the mansion and grabbed an apple to eat not stopping at all
"What's the hurry?" He didn't turn around but still answered you
"I forgot that I have to show you something." That was the end of the conversation as he got to his room and locked the door behind the both of y'all. Questions arose in your head but you chose not to dwell on them and decided to figure out what in the world was so important.
"What you got to show me Slater?" He smiled at you as he got behind you and covered your eyes with one hand and his other hand was on your waist to guide you.
"I'll show you, just trust me." His breath tickled your ear and you blushed trying not to concentrate on the fact that your crush is this close and intimate with you. You felt air on you meaning your by the window. "You can look." He uncovered your eyes and you gasped as you read what was on the ground. Right where the deer was in the charred grass, a question was spelled out
"Will you go out with me? OF COURSE I WILL!" You turned around and jumped on him crushing him in a hug and he chuckled as he hugged you back.
"You don't know how much work I put into that bomb for it to explode and spell that."
"I had no idea that you even liked me!" He chuckled and he kissed you on your lips and you didn't waste any time in kissing him back.
"I loved you for long, I just didn't know how to tell you and I wasn't even sure if you liked me and I didn't want to risk our friendship so I stood quite."
"I'm so happy that you asked, but what made you I'm just curious." He looked a little sheepish
"I got mad at myself and said fuck it, the worst that could happen is that she says no." You both laughed and then you both got quiet and just stared at each other happily
"I love you Slater."
"I love you too Y/N"  

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now