Human Tails Doll X Hyper!Sassy! Reader

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"WHY MUST YOU BE SO GOD DAMN HYPER ALL YOUR LIFE!" You caught the giggles as Tails has finally lost his patience with you and snapped at you for running back and forth and in circles around him

"Because I am a free spirit and I'm going to do what I want when I want and there's nothing you can do about it." Tails growled at you as you snapped your fingers in a z formation and waltzed away.

"I bet if Slender was here-" You didn't give him a chance to finish as you popped up behind him smiling at him cheekily as he flew ten feet up in the air.

"If he was here he can't tell me shit either because he's not my father, my father was killed a long time ago." Tails raised an eyebrow at you as you continued to smile at him and not get out of his face

"What about Clockwork?, Jane?" You bust out loud not realizing that Tails was leaning away from your face trying to get some space between you but you just got right back into his personal space.

"I dare one of those two bitches to tell me what to do. The only reason I listen to Slender is when it's a dire situation other than that the only people who can tell me what to do are my parents and they both are dead." Tails whole right side twitched with aggravation.

"Have you ever heard of personal space?" You smirked evilly at him and nodded no at him getting even closer to him much to his annoyance.

"No I never heard of it before. Tell me ol' wise one what is this 'personal space' you speak of." Tails just looked at you with a frown as you chuckled not being able to hold it in and then a lightbulb went off in his head

"Oh I don't know why don't you ask him behind you." Being gullible you looked behind you and saw no one but when you turned back around Tails was gone causing you to pout.

"Ahh man, he always does this, he doesn't know how to take a joke." You got up off of the floor not aware of the pair of eyes that were watching you move back and forth as you paced the kitchen mumbling to yourself. "I'm hungry what do I want to eat." You looked inside the fridge to see that the cheesecake you thought was still in there was now done and you honestly should have seen that one coming. "Fucking heathens never heard of the saying save for others aka me." You looked settling on a fruit cup (you decide what kind of fruit you are eating or if you don't like fruit you choose what you decided to grab from inside of the fridge). You walked up the stairs and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You whirled around at the top of the stairs and saw no one "Must be paranoid."

"Are you really...." Your eyes widen slightly as you looked around mostly in the dark corners of the hallway and you strained your ears to listen out for any other voices or noise and you heard absolutely nothing

"What the hell? Must be my imagination." You walked to your room unaware of the glowing red eyes in the one corner you didn't check. You closed your door and threw yourself on your bed. You ate the fruit closing your eyes for a minute relaxing a bit. You opened your eyes and screeched to the depths of hell not expecting to see a pair of glowing red eyes in your vision .

"I figured out the definition of personal space." You held your heart as you swiped at his face with your clawed hand

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT. I JUST HAD 7 DIFFERENT HEART ATTACKS!" Tails couldn't help his self and started to snicker as you glared at him

"I guess you didn't hear me when I said I figured it out." You glared at him but then gasped as he pushed you back and sat on your hips leering over you. You pouted angrily at him with a blush

"So you're just going to ignore the fact that you scared me and made me age 10 years?" He got closer to your face pecking your red nose

"Yes because as your beloved that's my job to remind you who I am." You stared up at him before smirking and using his moment of distraction to your advantage and flipping him over. Now it's turn to be pink and surprised. You used your hand to squeeze his cheeks as you put your lips near his

"Now this is my job to remind you who I am" With that said you smashed your lips against his as he used his hands to pull you closer to him.


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*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now