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  "KAGEKAO I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" You have known Kagekao ever since you came to the mansion a 

few years ago and he was actually your first best friend and rival. He greeted you with pranks. The first 

prank he pulled was small by replacing all of your sugar with salt and let's just say you had some salty 

chocolate cookies... Anyway, he didn't know that you were a prankster yourself. You got mad at first 

but then you challenged him to ranks and he gladly took the challenge. Ever since then you two 

would prank each other almost all the time. Sometimes you would team together and pull pranks on 

the others. You laughed and then you two would run and hide from whoever your victim was. You 

remember one time that Kagekao did a prank to Jeff and he thought it was you so he attacked you 

and it didn't have a good ending...


You were standing around a corner waiting for Kagekao to come and not a minute later you heard Jeff 

screaming and when you looked you were met with the happy mischievous face of Kagekao.

"I'm guessing it went according to plan." It was a statement and he slung an arm around your 

shoulders laughing along with you. His screams died down, so you two went down in the living room 

to wait for him. You were standing up and Kagekao was sitting. It didn't take long for Jeff to come and 

he was pissed off. He was red from fury and he had a longer knife in his hand, rather than his normal 

one. "Hello Jeff." You smiled up at him but it faltered a little with the look he gave you.


"That wasn't me, that was Kagekao." He didn't believe you


"Because your reaction was funny." Out of the corner of your eye you saw Kagekao tense up

"BULLSHIT BITCH!" Faster than you could blink you felt a searing pain in your stomach and back and everything seemed silent. Kagekao and Jeff had a look of pure shock

"Y-Y/N?" You glanced at Kage before looking down and saw the knife in you to the hilt and it was sticking out of your back. You fell to the floor on your knees and before you knew it you collapsed and kage was on Jeff. Before you passed out you saw Slendy pull Kage off of the bloody mess he made of Jeff and Dr. Smiley and Eyeless Jack running towards you."

End Flashback

That was eight months ago and Jeff still apologizes to you even though you forgave him and he stays clear of Kage. He doesn't even say anything when Kage pranks him. Jeff has permanent scars from the beating.

"Hey Y/N what are you thinking about?" You got out of memory lane and turned to Kage who was looking at you with a concerned frown on his gray face. Yep that's right, he's comfortable enough around you when it's just you two to take off his mask. "You spaced out there for a few." You blushed and smiled sheepishly

"Just thinking about the time Jeff stabbed me." His whole demeanor changed. He was angry and you felt the waves come off of him

"I remember what that fucker did. Trust me he won't ever do it again." You hugged him which brought him out of it and he hugged you back relaxing his tense muscles.

"I don't think so, he's scared to even come near me!"

"He should be." It was a comfortable silence and you felt that the time was right. You were going to confess to kage that you have a crush on him even though you are jeopardizing your entire friendship right now.

"Kage I want to tell you something important." He turned to you

"What's the matter?" You took a deep breath and said it

"I love you Kagekao." It was silent and when you looked up at him he was in a state of shock and he was blushing

"W-what?" You sighed feeling rejected

"I knew it was a bad idea to tell-" You didn't finish as he smashed his lips against yours and you gladly kissed back. It turned into french kissing and you were careful not to cut your tongue on his razor sharp teeth. The kiss ended since you needed to breath.

"I wasn't rejecting you. I was just shocked that my feelings are returned." You smiled at him as he gave you a gentle smile while caressing your cheek with his hand

"You do?"

"Of course sweetheart, I love you too Y/N."You couldn't be any happier as you two hugged each other and stayed in the forest until nightfall came, enjoying each other's company.
Long time since I updated, I know. The good thing is here's another one to enjoy!  

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now