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You was walking back and forth looking at your wrist watch for the time. BRVR said that he was going to be here an hour ago! You was stomping your foot a little impatiently because you was bored out if your mind and he promised to be here and cure you of your boredom! You huffed angrily as you decided to go take a walk around the mansion to see if anyone was there to pass the time while you wait for BRVR to come. You looked in the living room and saw the usual. Jeff and Ben were shoving each other trying to throw the other off so they can win the game. Eyeless and Laughing Jack were on the couch watching them. While Hoodie and Masky were side by side eating cheesecake talking about who know what since they were talking so low. You rolled your eyes as Ben won the game and Jeff jumped on him rolling around wrestling. 12 times out of 10 Ben glitched the game because he's a sore loser. Eyeless and Laughing Jack were watching them roll back and forth and eventually Jeff came out on top yelling about how he's going to make Ben 'go to sleep'. This entertained you for a little while until you grew bored of that as well. You decided to go see what Hoodie and Masky were doing and they stopped talking and looked up at you as you gave them a smile."Hey Masky and Hoodie." Masky waved and Hoodie nodded at you."On a scale of one to ten how bored are you?" You gave Masky a blank look as you thought his easily he read you."Let's see... A twelve." You practically felt the eye roll as Hoodie looked at you."Where's BRVR?" Hoodie had a knowing smile on his face since his mask was up enough so he can eat the cheesecake. You blushed and pouted as you looked away before answering."I don't know where he's at. He said he was going to take me somewhere but he's not here." Hoodie just looked at Masky and you was confused but let it pass."So... Do you want cheesecake?" You shrugged and sat down in the opposite side of the two as you grabbed a plate and cut yourself a piece of cheesecake. The three of you made small talk as you ate and made jokes. You guys didn't realize how long you was talking until BRVR came in looking for you."Yo, have you seen-- oh there you are" You looked up and smiled as he came up to you and ruffled your hair. "Where have you been!? I've been waiting for you for the past-" you looked down at your wrist watch as your eyes widen a little "three hours!" He gave you a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his head "I was working on something for us. To. Do" a blush adorned his cheeks and you felt your own heat up as Hoodie and Masky snickered. He grabbed your hand and walked towards the door but before he left Masky yelled out"Make sure to use protection!" You blushed as BRVR screamed obscenities at them. He slammed the door and let out a breath. You chuckled at him as he glanced at you and smirked."Now shall we continue on with our walk?" You nodded as you two walked into the forest hand in hand talking all the way. You was in heaven right now. You had a huge crush on him for the longest time and when he asked you do you want to hang out with him there was no way in hell you was going to say no."Y/N did you hear what I said?" You blinked and looked at him as you realized that you must of went off into lala land. You gave a cheeky smile at him" I didn't hear not jack shit." His mouth dropped a little before his head went limo and he laughed as he shook his head at you."What am I going to do with you?" I pursed my lips as I looked at him"Listen I was in lala world and completely forgot that I had a person beside me." He smirked at you"You still didn't answer my question." You gave him a poker face"Do what you always do." He didn't answer as he continued to guide you to wherever he was taking you. You walked for a few more minutes before he put a hand over your eyes."Close your eyes and I'm keeping them covered." You did as he said and you guys stopped as he uncovered them. "Alright you can open them now." You opened your eyes and gasped softly. The sun was setting and the sky was covered in blues, purples, red, pinks, oranges and yellows. You were by a cliff edge overlooking the entire forest and the setting sun just made a picturesque view."BRVR this is amazing. How did you find this spot?" He blushed and scratched his nose out of embarrassment " I was walking and ran across it and thought that thus would be the perfect spot to take you." You were giddy and ran up to him engulfing him in a hug. He was surprised but didn't hesitate to hug you back."You just made me so happy." You two hugged for a but before separating but he held both of your hands as he started at you."I want to make you even happier." You tilted your head like a confused puppy. He pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it. You gasped again. Inside the box was a necklace, bracelet and ring set that was gold with (favorite color) gems."BRVR..." You was rendered speechless. Here was your crush giving you this amazing gift in front of a sunset. This was a fairy tail come true."Y/N... Please for the love of anyone.... Be my girlfriend." You squeaked as you jumped on him catching him off guard and sending the both of you sprawling across the ground." Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend." He just smiled up at you as he put the jewelry on you. You looked at it as it glittered in the sunlight. You looked back at him when he sat up. He put his forehead against yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck."I love you Y/N so much." His lips were centimeters away from yours yours"I love you just as much." He gently smiled as he kissed you and you happily kissed him back thinking the entire time just how lucky you are to have someone like him in your life hopefully forever.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I felt like this was more sappier than I usually write but I enjoyed it either way XD

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