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Okay... you may just be slightly demented. Hey, it's not your fault that you had

absolutely no friends and you got lonely considering that you're parents were always

away at work. Anyway, right now you're just wandering in the woods near by the

Creepypasta mansion. I bet you're wondering two things 

1) Creepypasta really do exist????

2) What in the HELL are you doing there??!!

Well to answer you're unanswered questions. These guys aren't as bad as you think -

despite being deranged psycho murderers- and they are your friends. You really enjoy

their company and you have kept them a secret for the past 2 years. Besides they don't

have to worry about being discovered since you really don't have no friends and you're

200% sure that your parents would put you in an asylum. This might sound selfish of

you but you don't want no one else to discover them and befriend them. You don't

want to share them because there the only friends you have so you don't need no one

taking them away from you... You also have a major crush on one of them and he's one

of the most feared creepypasta. That's right you have a crush on no other than the

great Zalgo. Hence the reason why you called yourself demented. At first he hated you

for what reason? You don't know but he warmed up to you. He went from trying to

kill you, to seeing you every other day. He doesn't talk a lot but actions speak louder

than words. He always comes and hangs out with you every night when you're home

and talk with you for a few hours. He even protected you a few times from getting

hurt. Then the times he talked he would always have a small smile on his lips. All this

time you was deep in thought you didn't even realize that it was already dark. You

looked up at the stars and walked towards you're house.

(20 minute time skip)

"Hello empty home." You laid dejectedly on your bed. It's times like this that you feel

really lonely. You want friends and that's not counting psycho murderers, you mean

normal friends. Even more you want your parents but, no they find there job more

important then their child. 

"What are you thinking so hard about?" You yelped and almost fell off your bed. You

looked up to see no other than Zalgo looking at you in human form with an

unreadable expression.

"O-oh you scared me, I wasn't thinking about nothing." You said a bit too quickly. He

looked at you without saying nothing unnerving you a little bit and then he walked up

to you and laid next to you on the bed while you sat up. He looked at you "You are lying

to me." He didn't even ask he said it matter of factually. You knew you couldn't get

around this so you poured out your feelings to him. You explained how lonely you feel,

how your parents are never here, how you miss them, how you want more friends and

somebody to actually care. He waited patiently while you ranted and the whole time

he was looking at you to let you know that he was paying attention to you.  After

awhile you felt your anger rise, and you're face felt hot and now you couldn't even

formulate any more sentences. You felt angry, flustered and hurt and you even felt the

hot tears on your cheeks. "A-and t-then...I-I mean...t-they don't...w-why..." You

weren't thinking straight and Zalgo saw this. You felt him shift and all of sudden you

was pressed against his chest. Your eyes widen as one hand was on the small of your

back and the other was rubbing comforting circles on your back. You calmed down

and you stopped sniffing and started breathing normally. He lifted you up and made

you look at him. "I don't want you crying y/n." He wiped your eyes and you couldn't

believe how gentle he was being. "You don't have to worry about having so many

friends. A selected few is worth having. Not everyone is worth your time. And your

parents do love you because they wouldn't be doing all these trips if they didn't... and

one more thing you do have someone who loves you very very much." You was

speechless because what he said was true. You had one question though.

"Who loves me Zalgo?" He looked at you and brought you closer to his face and he had

a genuine smile on his face.

"I do." He then kissed you softly and after a few seconds you responded and it was the

best kiss ever. You parted and he looked at you with such a soft look in his eyes. "Y/N

please be my girlfriend?" You couldn't help but smile as you pecked his lips.

"Yes I will Zalgo." You smile up at him as he leaned in for another kiss.
I think I made him a bit OC BUTTTTT! that's okay PLEASE FOLLOW! COMMENT! AND LIKE!! :)

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now