Nick Vanill X Depressed Reader

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You were out on a killing spree but it was only because you were ordered to go on one by the slenderman. You didn't want to go on a killing spree honestly and it had nothing to do with the fact that you didn't like the act of killing, in fact you loved it. You loved to watch your victims gargling and drowning in their own blood and hearing their screams and beg for mercy to end it all or let them live. It was just that, you didn't have the energy anymore to actually do the act. You have been slacking a lot lately and just staying in your room in the dark listening to the silence and crying yourself to sleep. When everyone was asleep you would use your favorite knife and sit in your bathroom and cut thin slices on your arms and thighs and feel satisfaction as you saw your blood bubble to the top and roll down the sides of your arm or thigh. Once you were done you would put ointment and cover it up with gauze until they healed. One time you were caught....


You woke up today and you regretted it. You didn't want to be awake you didn't want to do anything at all today. You got up though because you didn't want anyone to come and get you and force you to eat. You weren't hungry anyway, you just wanted to go away and disappear but that's not how life works unfortunately. You looked at yourself in the mirror and looked at the bags under your eyes and the gaunt look to your face. You were very pale too but you didn't care. Your once lively face was dull and everything was in a haze of grays and blacks and an occasional white. You felt an urge and you were going to comply with that urge. You grabbed the razor from your medicine cabinet and slid down on the floor. You looked at your reflection as you slid the razor across your arm. You weren't satisfied so you did it again and again and again. You stopped once you saw the blood dripping to the floor and streaks of it on your arms. You smiled to yourself until you heard a gasp. You looked up shocked and saw Nick looking at you with widen eyes.

"Why....Why Y/N..." You didn't say anything as he quickly snatched the razor out of your hand stuffing it in his pocket and grabbing a towel and antibiotic ointment. He wrapped it around your arm going to the tub. He said nothing as he washed your arm and put the ointment wrapping gauze around the cuts. "Y/N look at me." You slowly looked at him with sad dull eyes. He looked at you running his hand through your hair. "You have someone who cares....Please for me don't do this again. Talk to me." You said nothing as you stared at him nodding numbly and he gently kissed your forehead picking you up and walking down with you to breakfast. He didn't keep his eyes off of you ever since.

*End Flashback*

You remembered that vividly as you stood in the middle of Slender's woods staring at your knife. You had a light urge to use it and slit your arms maybe your neck...No one won't care anyway right? You were too busy in your own world not noticing a figure running towards you in the dark. You moved the knife close to your arm before you were tackled to the ground

"YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED!" The knife was snatched and thrown somewhere in the bushes and you looked up to see Nick leaning over you with a sad look.

"I wasn't going to..." He shook his head grabbing you and pulling you into his chest holding you tightly

"Don't...Why would you do something like that... I love you Y/N I care I CARE FOR YOU." He rocked you back and forth as you eyes widen and you stared numbly at the side of his head. He cared for you? He loves you? Someone loves you?

"You're just saying that...." He shook his head pulling away to show you his watery eyes

"Y/N L/N I love you, when I saw you like that a few days ago... I knew, I knew I had to protect you, I have to protect you from everything even if it's yourself." you couldn't believe it

"How can you love me?" You didn't want to believe it, you couldn't believe that he loved you as much as you loved him

"Many reasons, I will sit here all night and tell you every single one...Just let me protect you and love you the way you deserve." You stood quiet and for the first time in a very long time a smile graced your face

"I allow it." He pulled away to look at your face and he smiled largely seeing the small smile gracing your features.


I'm not sure how to feel about this one.

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now