Smile Dog

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All you heard was a bunch of thumping coming from upstairs in the Creepypasta

mansion. E.J. and L.J. were downstairs watching Ben play video games when they

heard a particularly loud thump followed by shouting from upstairs. 

"Who do you think it is this time?" L.J. looked at E.J. as he continued munching on his

kidney. He glanced at him to answer.

"Y/N trying to murder Smile again." L.J. nodded as they continued watching Ben play

video games. Then the shouting and thumping got louder and they noticed Smile

hauling ass down the stairs with you close behind him. You had an angry crazed look to

you as you were waving a sharp butcher knife trying in vain to stab Smile. "SMILE


towards you and stopped as if he gives up. However, at the last moment, he moved out

of the way making you crash into the cabinets. You let out a loud growl as you turned

to look at Smile with such a look. He was snickering in a doggy way and when he

looked at your face he stopped snickering for about 2 seconds and actually looked

scared. He did a smart thing and ran as you chased after him. He ran into the

bathroom and locked it behind him and you stopped and glared at the door as if you were

trying to burn holes through it. You heard a puff of smoke meaning he changed to his

human form. You smacked the door so hard that it actually cracked. 

"Oui Y/N WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" You snarled as you yelled


"Nah I'm good I'll wait 'til you calm down." You heard the smirk in his voice and this

pissed you off even more. Your eye twitched as you smacked the door one time

officially breaking a piece off of it as you walked away to blow off some steam. You

passed by Jeff and he saw you and mumbled under his breath something along the

lines of 'mental bitch' You caught him off guard when you pinned him to the wall with

one hand and held your knife to his throat with the other. "Care to speak louder Jeff?"

He looked at you with wide eyes 

"I ain't say anything!" You looked at him and left him there looking at you.

"That's what I thought." Before he can retaliate you turned your heel and went and

locked yourself up in your room. You were then reminded exactly why you were so

pissed at Smile. You came out of the shower and you came into your room and saw that

you're favorite clothes were torn to pieces and your favorite stuffed animals were

shredded. You knew the culprit was Smile hence the reason you were hell-bent on

murdering the mutt. Then you saw something that you had never noticed before. You

picked it up and noticed that it was a journal and Smile's name was scratched onto the

front cover. You giggled at the idea of smile having a diary. Being curious and wanting

to be able to blackmail him you started reading. 


You were officially shocked and beyond happy at the same time. The reason why Smile

was such a jerk to you and always bothered you was because he liked you and he

thought that was the only way to get you to notice him. He complimented you A LOT

which made you blush and feel flattered at the same time. You see you like him a lot

too - despite the fact that you want to fuck him up at least twice a day for getting on

your nerves - that doesn't change the fact that you want him to be yours and ONLY

yours. You were daydreaming so much that you didn't notice that smile come in and

closed the door. He's now sitting behind you and you would've flown off the bed if it

wasn't for the pair of muscular arms wrapped around you. You turned and gasped as

you saw that it was Smile and that your faces were really close. You felt his hot breath

on your ear making you blush. 

"I see that you read my book...and now you know my little secrets." As he was saying

each word he was walking you backward until he had you pinned to the wall with

your hands above your head and a leg between your thighs. You were a blushing mess

and the way he had you pinned was not helping. 

"So do you like me back?" You couldn't reply since you were trying to still comprehend

the situation 

He smirked and said huskily "Cat got your tongue...I guess I have to find out

then." With that said he kissed you gently and you immediately responded. You felt his

smirk against your lips and the kiss turned rough and passionate. You let go after a

minute and a string of saliva connected your lips before it broke. 

He was smirking "You're a good kisser." You returned his smirk

"You're not too bad yourself." You playfully bit his lower lip making him growl and then

smirk down at you.

"Be my girlfriend?"

"With pleasure." Then he kissed you again which you gladly returned

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now