Dark link

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  You was bored out of your mind right now and you had no idea what to cure yourself with. You for 

once didn't feel like playing games and when your friends saw this they instantly thought that you 

was sick. You threatened that you will throw them all in a closet and they left you alone because they 

have a serious case of claustrophobia. Anyway. you was hanging upside on the couch with E.J 

watching Jeff and Ben play some video game. You felt the blood rush to your head as you swung your 

legs back and forth on the back of the couch. You finally decided to sit up when you started seeing 

black spots and you felt extremely light-headed. You made yourself dizzy with the motion making you 

close your eyes from the sensations and attempting to keep the food you just ate in your stomach. 

Once you felt better you got up to go outside to get some fresh air. The wind blew making your hair fly 

upwards as if you was free-falling from an airplane. You enjoyed the crisp air as the sweet smell of 

flowers and apple pie invaded your senses. You walked slowly through the trees as you listened to the 

soft crunching of the leaves below your feet. Leaves were falling from the trees in an array of reds, 

yellows, browns and greens. It was absolutely beautiful and it was peaceful and you was enjoying it. 

However, your peace was disturbed when you heard another set of feet walk in pace with you. You 

kept your eyes closed as you inhaled the person's scent and it was heaven. You smelt the Apollo Ax on 

him and there is only one person who wears that cologne.

"Hey Link." You opened your eyes to look at him and he was already looking at you with his infamous 


"Hey babe, how you knew it was me?" You rolled your eyes at the nickname, not that you minded 

being called babe by him. You did have a crush on the guy for awhile now

"Your smell." He got closer to you wriggling his eyebrows making you force down a blush

"It's intoxicating, I know." You just giggled at his confident demeanor

"I know yours is." This time you couldn't fight down the blush that creeped it's way up your neck and 

displayed itself all across your face. All he did was chuckle and then he laughed when you stuck your 

tongue out at him childishly. It was silent afterwards and it was a comfortable silence and soon 

enough you felt a hand holding yours. You followed the appendage up to its owner only to see him 

looking away with a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks. You couldn't help but smile and out of your 

peripheral vision you caught him staring at you as you allowed him to hold your hand. You two 

continued walking hand in hand until he stopped which in turn made you stop.

"Hey Y/N, there's something that I have been meaning to tell you..." He started fidgeting in place 

which was very out of character for him and you patiently waited for him to finish speaking. you heard 

a sigh of frustration escaped him and he abruptly let go of your hand only to place his hands on either 

side of your face. He got real close to your face that you can feel his breath on your lips. "It's better 

that I show you." With that said he closed the centimeter gap and you didn't want to be cliche and say 

that it was fireworks, but it might as well be with the way you was feeling. You kissed him back with 

an equal amount of passion and when you two broke apart you leaned your forehead against his.

"What does this mean, Link." He looked at you intently as he gave you a rare genuine smile

"This means your mine and mine only. I'm the only one who can call you babe too." You both laughed 

as you broke away from each other only to hold hands with each other again.

"I like the sound of that."  

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now